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17. lonely again ;
inspired by the song by gnash,
i love you<3

i didn't mean to scare her.

once she passed out, all of us we're just fucking worried.

seeing ileana pass out and get hurt time after time without reason taught us that when it happens to take it seriously and handle it with care.

i get up off the ground and make my way towards ileana but a firm hand pushes me away.

"get away from her" calum bluntly says.

the other boys are standing by— not really knowing what to do.

calum picks her up and says he's going to take her to the hospital.

and with that, i see my bestfriends carrying away my bestest friend and i have no choice but to let them..

and here i am, lonely again without any idea of what's going on with the girl i love to life.

i'm not intentionally mean to luke.

there are just times where he lets his heart get in the way of things. we all know and see that he wants to see ileana safe. that's why i stopped him.

i know i'm doing the right thing.


everything has been bonkers lately.

and when i say bonkers, I MEAN LITERAL NUTS!
how in the world is there so many things going on that none of us have no idea about or any control over? i just am mind blown.

i see these people everyday, yet i had no idea, and still kind of don't.

but still, i keep my eyes on the road, michael is next to me in the passengers seat and calum is sitting with ileana in his lap while her tiny body is sprawled in the backseat.

i can see that calum is worried, so is michael.
i put on some music to ease everyone's mind and make my way towards the hospital.

after driving for about 20 minutes, i pull into the familiar maroon and beige colored hospital,Lauderdale Hospital.

we walk in as calmly as possible and explain to doctors and nurse everything that's happened.
since this isn't the first time she's been to this hospital, they sort of know the protocol of this.
but they're still always shocked.

we let the doctors take ileana, and we waited in the waiting room for a good 3 hours.

after being informed that ileana was okay, and that she just needed time to heal, we all went home in hopes to get some rest of our own while our ileana took the time she so badly needed..

i just felt the need to make sure ileana never felt lonely again..


hiiii, if there's any mistakes, i apologize! i hope you like it so far! i'm happy rn cause my writers block is gone so i'm just letting this happen!
i love you all<3

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