| I. Obanai x Reader | A Word of Advice (Military AU)

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I'm working on other things but felt like dropping something since I missed ya!

Tanya the Evil but adjusted.
Episode available for visual reference.

Extraction Weapons:
Weapons that extract mana for power.
Drains mana quickly and not as powerful as extension weapons.

Extension Weapons:
Weapons that can be summoned by people who are either born with or have gained a certain mark.
Extremely powerful and can change in shape and design (sword to gun to duel sword etc) to better suit the user.
Drains slowly and much more powerful.

"Alright you useless rookies, listen well because here's a word of advice."

When asked who exactly was most the fearsome amongst the empire's ten knights, the title will undoubtly without fail go to the esteemed and revered General Iguro Obanai. The young man was well known to be merciless on the battlefield. Swift, flexible, and not to mention an absolute nightmare as a flight mage thanks to his small size.

His body would cut through enemies numbers with fearsome efficiency, his kill count famously being the highest to be recorded in this war, even taking in the count of enemy soldiers. Many would interpret this in a way that painted Iguro as someone who craved bloodshed, a monster of a soldier. But if one were to observe him on the battlefield, nothing could seem farther from the truth.

"Throw away any sense of glory you may hold in this war, for we are all but murderers here. So serve with efficiency and deliver deaths swiftly if you're merciful."

Iguro was, as the man implied himself, swift and efficient, and often took down enemies without a hint of joy to be see in his eyes, if anything it seemed more like a bother to him. Though it all didn't make sense for others to see their cold and brooding general to despise every second of the war he dedicated his very life to with such fervor. He had no obligation to serve in the front lines and yet time after time, promotion after promotion, the young man had always fought tooth and nail to serve in battle whenever he can.

And the reason? Unclear.

Iguro had micro-managed every aspect of his soldiers' strength in the Serpent's Division. His methods of cultivation could be compared the treatment of the devil himself, painful and unforgiving, reportedly more like punishment than training.

The young man often spoke of the dissatisfaction he held for the quality of soldiers he had access to nowadays, saying how they were all just overgrown kids here for the glory with a voice of clear annoyance. One time he even kicked over a flimsy tree screaming about how a pair of brats stole both his favorite training ground and the year's most promising student from him.

But if one were to find themselves in the presence of a senior officer and bring up the young man in question, the former would surly give a chuckle and shake their head the way wise old men tend to do. Speaking vague words drenched in nostalgia of how the young general was in fact not always like this, and if you're lucky enough, they might even mention a certain mentor by Iguro's side in his younger days as a fresh soldier. A female general who was no longer with the army, who served her time with a fearsome presence on the battlefield, baring an eagle's eyes for both the enemy numbers and her own.

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