Part 19 - "Camouflage"

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Selena's POV

"Are you okay?" I whispered softly after I was sure they had closed the cargo bin. I had noticed Demi started panting more loudly as soon as they started moving the bodies. "Hmhm.." Her voice squeaked. "Take this off." I placed my chin near her mouth, as she quickly started biting around until she could pull off the sack from my head. I quickly bent down my head to help her out and tried adjusting my eyes to the light. "Hm. My arm." Demi moaned. We had been laying on one side for at least 2 hours straight. I bit off the rope from my chest and took off the sack from Demi's head. She sighed relievedly as I helped her sit up with me. "Quick, we have to look for tanks." "I'm nauseous." She sighed again. I stood up, on top of the pile of stinking dead people. "There's a jeep. Right there. Cars mean gas tanks. We're safe." "Do we have to keep on these sacks during the flight?" "No, luckily not." As soon as the plane started moving, I began biting off the rope around my arms. Slowly but surely we got loose again. "I wanna get off these bodies." Demi frowned, getting up on her knees once I threw aside the cloth that was wrapped around her legs. We sat down on top of the jeep since it seemed to be the only place that was free.

"Come here." Demi quickly flew her arms around me. I sighed deeply, finally feeling a bit safer again. "What in the world happened?" I asked. "They shut off your mind and dragged you away. I was taken to a cell, and you were forced to declare war and declare yourself to be the face of the fight." "That part I had noticed, but how did we get here?" "There was a fire. I don't understand." Demi pulled away and shook her head. "I suddenly woke up to an alarm and the door to my cell opened up. The room you were placed in was completely empty, but the flames were very close to you. I tried to free you. I couldn't breathe." She ranted. I placed a hand on her arm to tell her it was okay. I was already incredibly thankful that she tried to save me. "It's just that I don't understand how there was a fire. There's no way The Careless could've done that. They only just heard about the war being declared, and they don't exactly have airplanes to move to the EWO headquarters." "Maybe it was accidental." I brainstormed with her. "In such a secured building? And have the building burn down so far? I don't think so."

I looked down, trying to find out their tricks. "They're making it look like The Careless are causing all of this." I concluded. "The EWO wants its name own to remain holy. They are manipulating the media. That's why they used me to declare war. Maybe they set the building on fire themselves, to make it look like we did it." "I guess that makes sense." She looked at me, and then stared in the distance. The cargo deck fell silent. "I think the war is going to affect the whole world, Selena." Demi said concernedly. I nodded. "We have to make a plan." "It shouldn't be too hard." Demi said, looking at me. "Just pretend you're still under their control." "If they find out I'm not, they'll kill me." "They won't. They need you." "What if I fall back?" I frowned. I was very afraid I would. That the flashes would return. Or that they would put me back in that chair because they found me too incorporative. "I don't think you have any other option, sweetie." She planted a kiss on my forehead.

"No, I don't want to risk her safety." I heard Demi's voice as I faded away from my sleep. My resting head laid on her lap, as I felt her fingers tickling the skin behind my ear. I kept my eyes closed, curious about what she was doing. "...You don't know that. She needs to be protected." "...Maybe that's just what I do. Protect people." Her sentences didn't sound like she was talking to herself at all. She was replying to a sentence I didn't hear. She was talking to someone I didn't witness. I opened my eyes and looked up. Demi quickly looked down at me, almost startled. "Who are you talking to?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "Lucas." She replied. I slowly sat up and looked at where she was looking. "Lucas?" "Yes. He came with us." She wrapped her arms around her knees. I frowned at her. "You know there's no one there, right?" I placed my hand on her forehead to check if she was sick or something. She didn't seem to be. She harshly pulled her face away from me. "Yeah. Whatever." She looked back at where she saw him. "You said he was your what? Your Entertainment Organizer?" "Assistant.." She looked me in the eyes, and to my surprise, they suddenly filled with tears. "What's wrong?" "You think I'm crazy." Her voice trembled. "No.. No, I-" She quickly wrapped her arms around me, placing her face on my shoulder. I rapidly hugged back.

Blue Spots (Delena/Semi Fantasy/Fanficion)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora