Part 17 - "Chess Pawn"

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Selena's POV

My mind turned back on when my brain processed the snap of someone's fingers. I opened my eyes, sitting bound to a chair in the middle of the room. The first thing I saw was a professional camera in my face. "Where's Demi?" I asked, panicking quite immediately. I felt uncomfortable again. The flashes in my head had intensified. They had brainwashed me for another few hours before taking me here, of that I was sure. My question was left unanswered. I saw people setting up the camera and hanging a microphone over my head. But for some reason, I wasn't able to move my body the way I wanted. From my feet up until my neck I was completely frozen. I knew this was part of their mind control. I hated it. "I want to see Demi!" I yelled again. I remembered the way she was taken out of the General's office. She was furious. I had never seen her that angry. She was angry because all she wanted was to protect me. She didn't have the power to do so. She had no power at all, even though they weren't controlling her mind like they were controlling mine.

The General walked into the room and sat down next to the camera, right in front of me. I looked at him with disgust. "What are you doing to me?" I asked. "What we planned to do TO you has been done already. The question is what we are going to do WITH you." He emphasized. "Do you see this screen right here?" He asked, pointing at the screen on the other side of the camera. I nodded. "I want you to read the words out loud for us. You wouldn't mind doing that for us, would you, Selena?" He asked. My mind kept saying no. Every inch of my body and soul screamed no. I wasn't going to do whatever he told me to do. His plans were obviously evil, against the Careless. But as soon as my name slid down his tongue, I spoke without thinking. "Yes." "Good girl." I rolled my eyes as they filled with tears. There was nothing I could do. I was like a doll, and he was the guy holding up my strings. The words appeared on the screen, and my face became visible on several screens in the room. "Are we live? Yes?" The General looked around. "Announcement intro, go." He pointed at some people behind big machines and stereos. I suddenly heard the voice a man sounding from those stereos. "We interrupt this broadcast with important breaking news, please do not turn off your device." The message repeated about 6 times before it stopped, and the General now pointed at me. I quickly looked at the screen, never with my own will.

"This is an announcement from the Primary Careless Refugee Camp. Both on land and sea, the Careless have declared a war against the Eutopia World Order. My name is Selena, and I am the only pro-gen to ever willingly agree to be tested by the research facility of the EWO. After being kept hostage and treated horribly, I was freed by my CRC. We are sick and tired of being forced out of society, only because we are sick and mental. We ask the innocent to take shelter or hide. I agree to be the face of this fight. We want justice. We want our lives back. We will no longer be ignored. We will rise."

I looked around with wide eyes as soon as my mind regained the will to. Not did I just singlehandedly declare the biggest war since the darker centuries, I also declared myself to be the face of this fight. They had planned this all along. The Primary Careless Refugee Camp would know they never started this fight, but they had to fight anyway because otherwise, the EWO would. And the EWO made it look like we were the ones who started this. It was clever. It was like I was their main pawn. The black queen of their chess game. In the end, it would never be a war. It would be a simple mass murder. And I was their coverup. I sighed and looked down in defeat. Screaming at them was no use. And I still couldn't move my body. If only Demi were here. I needed to know where she was. I wouldn't surprised if she was executed. Oh my.. what if she was dead? This was all my fault. If it was for Demi, we would've been in the CRC.

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