Part 16 - "Eyes Rolling Back"

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Demi's POV

I stayed up with her all night. I figured keeping her distracted was the best way to make her suffer less, even though I had no idea what was the matter with her. But if they were able to visualize my memories on a screen, I'm sure they were able to make Selena go insane as well. The only thing I hadn't figured out yet, is why. Why, in heaven's name, would they play with her mind like that? What was the benefit of it? Didn't they need to keep her as clean and sane as possible so they could do more tests on her? Or did they have more plans for her? Whatever it was, I wasn't going to let anything happen to her. They violated her safety, of that I was sure. And they slipped right through my fingers. I should've been more attentive. I should've checked on them. Yet again, I felt like I had failed. I promised to keep her safe. Just like I failed in protecting Lea.

"On. Off. On. Off." Selena's whispers woke me up from my stare after seeing image after image of Lea crashing to the ground with a bullet in her head. I had stared for so long that Selena's thoughts were taking over again as well. The flashes, as she called them, or the rhythm. She tapped her head lightly, clearly confused. "No." I tried snapping her out of it again, taking her hands and shaking my head. She looked up at me and cleared her throat. No wonder we had both fallen silent, allowing us to let the bad things take over our minds again. It was 5 am. We were tired. We had talked all night, talking about my life before I fled my house. About Selena's experience at her schools, before she had to quit because her spots were too visible. "What was I saying?" Selena asked. "I don't know, I think I lost you." I sighed. Selena frowned, as I saw the bags under her eyes. And that's when I noticed. I gasped, sitting up.

"You have a new one." I cupped her chin, looking at the blue spot on her cheek. It was created this very night, and I was too tired to see it happening. "Right there." I pointed at the spot, right in the middle of her right cheek. Selena looked surprised at me at first, but then quickly snatched her chin out of my hand. "You should see it, Selena." "No." She snarled. "Where's the mirror?" I asked, looking around. "No!" "But it looks so beautiful." I raised my eyebrows. "I don't want to see it!" She looked mad at me, but then started caressing the spots with the tips of her fingers. The caressing turned into fidgeting, picking, and then rubbing. She groaned. "What are you doing?" I asked, feeling concerned. She didn't reply. "Selena." I tried taking her hand again to stop her. She was going to hurt her skin this way. But she quickly snatched her arms away from me and covered her face with them, pulling her knees closer to her. "I hate them!" She shouted, turning away from me as much as she could. "But they're beautiful." I stated. "No, they're horrible. I hate them. Don't you hate yours?!" "I mean, I do but not as much as you d-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before she said it. "I hate yours too!" She shouted.

It hurt more than I expected it to. I was so used to other people's hate toward this part of me. I was used to being spat out of society for it. I was used to people wanting to kill me for it. It shouldn't hurt me one bit. And yet, coming from her, the person I thought loved everything about me, it made my chest cramp up. She hated that part of me. She didn't just dislike it, she hated it. I softly looked at the spot of my arms and knees, trying to hold back my tears. They were like the stars in the sky. Like fireflies roaming the night. Like the twinkles in the eyes of a child. Like the eyes of peacock feathers. Like sparks of a burning fire. They almost illuminated, I was almost sure they did. But if she hated them, then so did I.

I was sent to the director's office after asking around where the person is who's in charge of Selena's research. I dragged her with me like a dog on a leash, not letting her out of my sight. The moment we found out we had survived the night without further sleep and it was already time for her to go to her usual research room, she actually forgot it wasn't the plan for her to take part in any further tests. She wanted to go, even though we had planned to stick together and sort things out. My hand reached for the doorknob, but Selena quickly stopped me. "Knock first." She corrected my lack of formality. I never knew that was a thing at all. She quickly knocked on the door a few times and stepped back. "Come in." A low male voice sounded from the other side. I quickly opened the door and stepped inside, still holding my fingers wrapped around Selena's wrist. "We want to talk about Selena's tests." I stated while looking at the man with grey hair and green eyes. The nameplate on his desk showed his name proudly. General Wallbrick. He sat behind his desk with a serious look on his face. "Good morning to you too. I had noticed she'd not present. But to prevent us from falling behind schedule even further, why don't you have a seat?" He asked. It felt as if everything people did around here were planned. Like we were inside their trap, no matter how hard we tried to walk out of them. "We'd rather not." I stopped Selena from heading towards one of the black chairs placed in front of his desk. "I want to know what you did to Selena." I added. He looked surprised at me, held up his index finger and then opened one of the drawers of the big desk. He placed a file on top, ready for us to be read. However, I wasn't that stupid. If they had decided to do secret trickery on her, they'd hide the evidence.

I shook my head wildly. "Tell me why she woke up in the middle of the night, screaming in terror because she claimed to be stuck in an everlasting rhythm of flashes." I spilled the truth rather easily, feeling how my veins filled with fury. How dared they fuck with my girlfriend?! His eyes shifted towards Selena for a moment, who looked at the ground feeling a bit ashamed. "Uh, well one of our psychological tests contained a sequence of flashy images designed to induce fear. Perhaps they still have some after-effects we hadn't taken into account." He explained, his eyes stuck on Selena. She gulped, shaking her head swiftly. "We never did that.." She almost whispered, but the man wasn't finished. "You did. The results were negative. Emotional states do not affect the speed of your spot-growth. In fact, you loved the funny sketch so much that you asked the title of the movie, remember Selena?" Selena blinked a few times, frowning for a moment. "Oh yes." She smirked. "Feeling Good." She named the title with a smile. "Exactly." He grinned as well. I frowned at Selena, not understand how she didn't remember this entire night. "I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, Demi. If these nightmares occur more frequently, we will prescribe Selena some medicines to improve her sleep." "I'm not an idiot." I scoffed. "You're sure not. In fact, it's a good thing you made sure Selena is safe. But I can assure you that we won't do her any harm. Instead of worrying about her safety you can hang out in your room." He pointed at the door, where Lucas was standing, awaiting me. "I'm not going with Lucas." "Who?" He frowned. I frowned back and again looked at the opening of the door. Lucas was gone again. He wasn't.. real..?

My head quickly moved back to Selena. The way she stared that the General with the bags under her eyes made her look like a zombie. I didn't believe whatever he had told us. Selena's reply was vague as if her memories were all fucked up. Her words were no longer reliable to me. "I want to attend her tests." I claimed. "I'm afraid I cannot permit you to do so." "I didn't ask for permission. She won't take those tests without me." I looked him dead in the eyes, talking fast. His facial expression made clear he was sick of my attempts to keep an eye on her. "You don't want to do this, Demi." He warned. "I do actually." I leaned forward, placing my hands on his desk. "Demi, stop." Selena now took my arm to pull me back. She never wanted me to get physique. But I had no choice. "You're not laying a finger on her!" I raised my voice at last. I could see his arm sliding to the side of the desk, doing something outside my sight. It didn't take long before several soldiers walked into the room. "I humbly ask you to leave the room so we can proceed with Selena's tests." "Are you serious?" I looked at him with disgust. "What if we call off? What if we want to go back to the CRC?" I shouted. "You can't." He answered, snapping his fingers. The soldier took both me and Selena by the arms.

We both looked at each other in the eyes, realizing they were going to keep us apart. They were going to proceed using her like a lab rat, and they would either keep me as a hostage or dump me outside like a trash bag. "Fuck. No!" I tried to get loose from their grip as they pulled me back to get out of the office. "Selena!" I watched how the general stood up and whispered something in her ear as she watched me being taken away in distress. He then snapped his fingers again, and this time I saw her eyes rolling back and her limbs falling loose. It confirmed every theory I had about the team fucking with her mind. It looked so scary, it made me go insane. "NO! SELENA!" I screamed. "SELENA!" She disappeared out of sight as they dragged me through the corridor. Lucas silently followed the soldiers into a different room. I panted wildly as the soldiers placed me on a chair and locked the door behind them, leaving me behind with Lucas. His usually sympathetic smile had completely disappeared.

"So. Would you like me to teach you how to handle a butterfly knife?" He asked softly. I quickly got up from the chair and pounded my fists against the door. "OPEN UP! GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I screamed. My heartbeat raised instantly. "Fuck." I started pacing around. "Listen, whatever you're doing, it won't work." He tried to calm me down. "You're lucky they didn't just throw you out. Now I'm stuck with you" He rolled his eyes. "You've lied to me." I began towering over him. "You told me they were treating her safely. They fucked up her mind!" "They could've been a lot more carefully, I must admit. I mean, who uses the subjects name as a trigger? You noticing something was off was bound to happen. They should've kept feeding her that blue goo to prevent her from talking to you." He ranted. I frowned. How could I have been so stupid? We should've fled secretly. I only got us in trouble. "UGH!" I gave the chair a forceful kick, making it fly straight against the opposite wall. "Jeez, calm down, woman." He said startled. "Shut up!" My brain ran faster than a race car, trying to come up with solutions to save Selena and get the heck out of here. I paced around a few more times, but then grabbed the chair and flung it right into Lucas' direction. His body disappeared into thin air, never hitting the chair. I fell down on my knees, breaking down. Selena's wasn't the only fucked up one.

Blue Spots (Delena/Semi Fantasy/Fanficion)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu