Prologue - "Toxic Animals"

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Selena's POV 

I remembered it so clearly. The day I had dinner with my dad like any other. I thought I was about 9 years old, sitting on my knees at the coffee table, as we both watched the news on TV. I remembered what the News Reader said. I remembered every single word. "After a 5-hour meeting with the 15 senates, the government has inserted the new law regarding The Careless Ones. Walking around with the disease will be seen as a crime, with death as punishment." Her words were followed by several images of people being dragged out of their houses. They all had clear blue spots on their face. A sack was being placed over their heads before they were carried into several vans. The troops were sent to all states, with machine guns and black armors.

"Do you see those people, Selena?" I looked at my father, as he drank his beer on his familiar brown chair. "Those people are evil." I looked at the people taking the poor souls away from their families. I felt bad for them. "I don't want you hanging out with them. I don't want you near them. They're filthy and they seduce you to do bad things." He spoke. I didn't understand why he would tell me to not hang out with those soldiers. I wouldn't. They were way too scary. "Blue is the color of toxic animals, their spots are what marks them as inhuman." He spoke. My eyes now pointed at the people being dragged away. I frowned, barely understanding what he was talking about. How could such a beautiful trait make you evil?

Demi's POV

I remembered it so clearly. The day those troops had dragged my parents out of the house I grew up in. I thought I was about 9 years old. They simply banged the door, and my parents knew they shouldn't open up. Instead, they hid me and Eleanor in the crawlspace underneath the doormat at the door. I could hear their footsteps heading towards the basement. I held Lea in my arms, trying to keep her quiet. She cried silently, and I tried my best not to let my own tears spill. The banging on the door started driving me crazy.

I knew exactly what was going on. They were going to take us away and execute us. I remembered how I didn't want to die. The soldiers managed to break into the house. They stomped on the ground, it sounded like thunder in the clouds. The ground above us shook. I held Lea's mouth covered because the 2-year-old had no idea what was happening. I could hear my parents' cries in the distance. I had no time to think of what could've happened because I already heard the shutter to the crawlspace being opened up. I quickly rapped the rag that laid on top of several boxes over us, trying to keep myself and my little sister as still as possible. The shutter closed again. Then it was quiet, and after I managed to gather enough courage to look around the house, they were gone. Forever.

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