Part 7 - "Becoming A Woman"

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Selena's POV

We had arranged the pieces of training we wished to attend. Demi was like a hothead feeling too good for all of them, which looked a little cute in my opinion. I had to convince her to take the classes with me, just because she couldn't know for sure she knew everything about self-defense, the use of weapons and hunting. "And if you think you know better, just correct the teacher." I grinned while holding the schedule in my hand. "Bunk A4-16. Right here." I pointed at the bunk we were passing, giving the keys to Lea so she could open it. She happily opened the door and looked inside. I looked at the bunker beds, along with a small bathroom and a desk. "How lovely!" I exclaimed, placing the schedule on the desk and placing my bag near the door. I let my body crash down on one of the beds. "Aaahh I missed having a bed." I grinned. "Incoming!" Lea ran to me and belly-flopped right on top of me. I made a squeezed sound and burst out laughing. "Demi, can I have this bed?" She asked while placing her hand on the top bunker. Demi still stood in the doorway, taking her bag from her back. "Yeah.." She said softly, gulping. She looked kind of pale.

She looked around, mostly at the beds and the bathroom. She hadn't used any of these in 10 years. This was her very first chance since all those years to live again, and not just survive. Lea had never even experienced the pleasure of it, but her reaction seemed a bit more accurate to the situation. Demi, however, she almost looked sad. Maybe she was simply emotional, or she had to get used to the changes. "Do you like it, Demi?" I asked after observing her for a moment. "I'm fine." She frowned, closing the door behind her and dumping her bag next to it. Her response was weird, almost as if it were the only words she could say with all her emotion built up inside. She barely dared to show any of her emotions to me, but all I wanted to do was be compassionate towards her. I got up from the bed and opened the door the bathroom, that wasn't bigger than 6 square feet, containing a shower and a toilet. I smiled at Demi, trying to make her feel a bit welcome. "You should take a shower, I mean how long has it been?" I grinned. "I'd.. rather just use the river down the mountain..." Her voice was softer than I had ever witnessed, as her eyes were on the bathroom. "And walk 2 hours to get there? Demi, the water is warm, as warm as you want it to be. Don't be stubborn." I shook my head but kept my smile. "I'm not stubborn." She frowned at me a bit angrily. "Just leave me the fuck alone." She turned around, snatched Lea's wrist and almost dragged her outside. "But I wanted to-" Eleanor looked back, pointing at the shower, but the door already closed before she could finish her sentence.

Demi's POV

"Why are we here?" Lea asked after I let go of her wrist and sat down on a log outside the camp, inside the forest. "I'm going to make a plan." I stated, grabbing a stick from the ground and fidgeting with it. "A plan for what?" "To get out of that camp." "Aren't we outside the camp?" Lea looked confused at me, sitting down on a rock in front of me. "I mean to flee. To really get out of here." "Why? Besides, Commander Kingston told us we were allowed to leave whenever we wanted." "You don't really believe that do you?" I frowned at her, rolling my eyes afterward. "Yes. I do. That man is a good guy, Demi. We finally have a place to stay, why would you want to leave?" She looked confused at me. I stared at her for a moment, thinking of her question. "I don't know!" I shouted frustrated. "At least we found a nice place for Selena to stay, but we won't." I spoke. "I want to stay." Lea muttered, looking down. "Excuse me?! We're going and that's final!" The stick I fidgeted with smacked on the ground. Lea jumped, keeping her eyes on the ground as they slowly filled with tears. "Stop crying." I exclaimed, tired of her childish ways of coping with things.

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