Part 5 - "Bound To Lose Control"

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Demi's POV

I woke up when I heard branches breaking in the distance. My head shot up, looking around. I soon noticed my little sister walked further into the woods, going from tree to tree. I quickly got up and walked after her, leaving Selena behind. I watched her wandering around, looking up at the sky. Selena had made me think of what my mother would do. She would let her explore because mom was an explorer herself. The moon was bright enough to light up every tree. She took a stick from the ground and tried carving into the bark of one of them. She then decided to climb it, going up way high. I walked closer to the tree and looked up. She didn't notice me standing there, but I didn't want to spoil her little adventure. I soon saw nothing but her blue spots shining next to the stars. She looked beautiful up there. As if she belonged with the stars. She was the galaxy herself. I didn't want her to fall.

"What are you doing?" I whisper-yelled. She looked down at me. Her foot almost slipped, making her clench to the tree tightly. "Get down, before you hurt yourself silly." I quickly began climbing as well. "I can't." She stated. "Why not?" "It's too high." "Oh no, if only your big sister were here to save the day." I grinned, climbing closer to her. "Place that foot over there." I pointed at a branch nearby. She did as told, and I made sure she wouldn't fall. "Why were you out here anyway? You could've been hurt. You know it's not safe." "I couldn't sleep anymore. I wanted to get a good view of the area to find a new hiding spot. Or a village of course." She said while concentrating on getting down. Her explanation made me grin. "You remind me of me, but you shouldn't leave without my consent alright?" "You're not my mom." "Let's just get back before Selena runs away with our belongings." I helped her get back on the ground.

"She wouldn't." She said, walking back to the campfire with me. "You never know, Lea. You trust her way too easily." "That's because she's a good person. Perhaps she should be my guardian instead." She joked. "That's just offensive." I grinned. Eleanor suddenly stopped in front of me and faced me, holding up her pinky. "I want you to pinky swear." "For what?" "That you will try to befriend Selena." "Befriend her?" "Yes." She raised her eyebrows and held her pinky closer to me. I scoffed and looked away, not agreeing with her in the slightest. But pinky swears were our most solemn promises, which showed how much she meant it. I couldn't help but smile seeing her being so serious. "Fine. But if she takes our stuff it's on you." I clung my pink around hers. We both simultaneously spit on the ground, before I placed my hand on her back and walked further with her.

As we finally walked around the bushes to meet our campfire, we both stiffened when we saw nothing and no one but our sleeping bags and a dying fire. Selena was gone, and so were our backpacks. "Are you fucking serious?" I yelled, taking the knife out of my belt and running around a corner of the mountain we had camped near. She couldn't have gone far. "It's on you, goddamnit!" I yelled at Lea, before running around to find her. "Did she leave us behind?" Lea followed me, looking around as well. "She fucking must have!" "Well, where did she go?" "How do you think I know?!" I quickly climbed up a rock to look around. It didn't last long before Lea joined me as well. "Where are you, you little piece of shit." "She didn't leave us." "She fucking did, she-" "No! Look!" Eleanor pointed at a pathway going up the mountain. I could see a group of men, trying to carry Selena's struggling body up. "Oh shit."

I ran as fast as I could, going up the mountain as well. "You're going too fast!" "Keep running!" I yelled. It didn't last long before I could hear Selena's voice in the distance, shouting and screaming. "LET GO OF ME! LET ME GO! OUH!" If I kept running, I should catch up to them easily. It then hit me. If they wanted to take her without killing her, then why didn't they just knock her out instead? Her screaming was clearly giving away their presence. Unless they intended it to be. "Demi!" I stopped running and turned around. Another man had scooped Lea from the ground and ran uphill, in my direction. "Drop her!" I shouted, holding up my knife. He ignored me and ran past me, but before I could chase after him to stab him, several figures dropped down in front of me to stop me. They were with so many. And each one of them had completely covered up their faces. An immense force hit the back of my head, causing my body to drop on the ground. A haze went over my sight, and I slowly felt my mind shutting down after seeing several legs walking towards me.

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