Part 18 - "Comfortable Claustrophobia"

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Demi's POV

I turned back to the unconscious Selena and started tapping her cheek. "Come on. Wake up." I tried my best to reach her. "Selena." I clapped my hands a few times, but still no response. I lifted her head and tried snapping my fingers like the General did before I saw her collapsing in the arms of the guards. I groaned. Of course, I never learned how to snap my fingers. I carefully let her head hang loose again and focused on the metal rings that kept her upright. The plate she lay against was tilted just a few inches, so her whole upper body wouldn't hang loose as well. Why the hell did they leave her here anyway? Why would they restrain her here like this? I tried to pull off the rings, but it was something to open up with a remote control of some sort.

I quickly stomped the fire near Selena's legs before her pants would be caught on fire. I coughed loudly, trying not to breathe in the smoke by placing my sleeve on my mouth. "There's someone else in there!" I heard a man shouting from behind the door. "No.." I widened my eyes, starting to panic slightly. This was perhaps my only chance left to save her. If I didn't save her now, I would probably never see her again. I turned around again and tried to kill the fire in any way possible. I stomped on the flames, I pulled the rug from underneath a few machines and tried to cover the fire with it. However, the rug was already partially on fire itself. It did protect Selena for just now.

The coughing didn't stop, I was maybe going to die here. It hurt to breathe, and my lungs were screaming at me for fresh oxygen. I checked upon Selena, to see if she was still breathing. I placed my ear against her chest. Her heartbeat was still beating steadily, yet her breathing became uneven and a bit crude. I could hear the door, the one I had blocked after going through it, banging like a mad man. I tried looking at it, but the smoke made everything hard to see. I stumbled to the door to block it even further, but once I fell on the ground due to my dizziness taking over, I knew it was over. I was either going to die myself or be killed. I turned my head to Selena one last time, hearing the door behind me breaking open before everything went black.

Selena's POV

It was the first time in a while that I drifted back to consciousness without hearing anyone commanding anything from me. I breathed heavily, concentrating on what I heard around me to prevent myself from falling back in the flashes, in the rhythm. I spent countless minutes trying to get back to reality. Once I noticed what was happening to me for the slightest second, I took my chance to shake myself out this mind control. It happened before, but I was stupid enough to show everyone I was awake. This time I kept my eyes closed and my body limb. Even though relaxing triggered those flashes, I could fight them off for now.

I was finally able to process the sounds my ears were able to pick up. I heard men shouting, things falling. I suddenly felt the lungs behind my ribs screaming for fresh air. Perhaps it's what pulled me out of the state of mind. Reflexes took over, I immediately coughed as hard as my body could. The heat around me was unbearable. More air pumped into my lungs, but it sounded like I smoked 3 packs a day. A door flew open, and I tried my best to keep my eyes closed when someone opened up the restraints on my arms and legs and carried my body away.

I was recklessly thrown behind a truck that already had its motors running. Something was going on. At least I was able to breathe here. More stuff was thrown on top of something above me, and only now I noticed I was in some sort of box or cage. "You idiot! She was left there to be burned alive!" "I have her now, where do we place her?" "Tie her in that cloth with the rest of the bodies. They'll cremate her in Oakmarch. Dead or alive." I heard them placing something down that wasn't supposed to be here. I only dared to open my eyes when I heard the doors of the truck closing with a loud bang. I blinked a few times, trying to tell my body what to do again. I slowly got up on my knees but banged my head against the lid of the box when I tried stretching my back. "Ah.." I was indeed in a wooden box. They weren't going to execute me for a very long time. They needed me. But now that I had a mind of my own, I had a chance to make a plan and get out of here. They said the dead bodies of the fire were going to be cremated in Oakmarch. Were we all going there? Perhaps I could simply flee to my own house and hide there.

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