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Amy's pov

"Babe, it's time to wake up. The new government meeting is starting soon." Mark said waking me up.

"Why so early?" I whined.

"So, we can all go to our jobs afterward."

"I want a kiss." I opened my eyes.

"Now that, I can do."

He hovered over me kissing me, my hands went into his hair as I arched my back forcing my body to touch him.

"I want to so bad, but we will be late." He started to kiss down my neck. "How about after work, we can have a little fun."


He picked me up out of bed carrying me to the bathroom.

"I can walk." I giggled.

"I know, but after the last year. I just want you close 24/7."

I snuggled into him.

"I know. We should be dead."

"But we somehow survived the end of the world."

He set me down on the counter then kissed my face a bunch of times.

"I love you so much, Amy Nelson."

"I love you too Mark Fishbach."

I pulled him in for another kiss then we had to rush to get changed. They said that if we missed this meeting then we would be in serious trouble.

"There you guys are!" Ethan said as we rushed to the park.

"Sorry, I didn't want to get up," I said pulling onto Mark.

"Do you know what they want to talk about?" Mark asked.

"No, whatever it is, it must be important. They are talking about jail time if you miss this meeting." Tyler said.

"Do we even have a jail set up?" I asked.

"I guess they have one if they are talking about it."

I snuggled into Mark.

"There you two are! I went outside to look for you." Mika said.

"We just got here, I didn't want to get out of bed," I said smiling at her.

"Yeah, I know that one. Working had been crazy. But we did get another house fixed!"

"Our place needs to be fixed up but since the perimeter is all intact they are planning on fixing it last," Mark said.

"Same, we just have a few holes on the inside, they just needed to fix the downstairs bathroom the huge ass hole leading into the house," Ethan said wrapping his arm around Mika.

"You two are so fucking cute," I said watching them both turn pink.
"Who knew almost dying would help me meet my soul mate," Mika said smiling ear to ear.

We all looked at Tyler.

"No, don't even look at me like that!" He said, "there actually is a girl that I am too scared to say hi too."

"Dude, we almost died like 20 thousand times, grow those balls and talk to her," Mark said.

"I'm working on it, she is just so beautiful, and her laugh."

"He is in love," I said.

"Talk to her," Mark said again.

"Give me some more time to keep growing my balls and then I will." He said.

The Do OverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora