Part 36: Wolf At Your Door

Start from the beginning

"Yeah.  Because even on your best day he is still twice the man you could ever hope to be." She made a point of looking down at his crotch then back into his eyes, a sneer landing across her lips.  "In every way possible, I'm sure."

"You don't know what you're talking about or anything about me." Derek's smirk faltered and his eyes clouded with irritation as her insult to his virility sunk into his soul.

Fed up with the whole ordeal, Ashten cocked her eyebrow and let her mouth run freely as she slowly stepped towards him.

"Oh, but I do.  You are that guy whose mother coddled him and put him on a pedestal his entire life.  Her baby boy who could do no wrong, which is why he was never taught any kind of respect towards women, nor held accountable for his actions.  You were the football player who, during his senior year, probably spent his time prowling on the freshmen girls because they were easy prey and too young to know any better than a drunken five minute pump in the woods.  A frat boy who never left college and who shouldn't be trusted around anyone's unattended drinks for fear he will drop a few pills in there so he can do as he pleases with a comatose female.  Basically, you are a malignant narcissist and a sociopath. Did I leave anything out?"

"Thanks for the psychoanalysis, Dr. Montgomery," Derek said her name through a sinister smile before cracking his neck.  "See, I know how Tommy feels about his employees fucking his band members.  That being said, I have a proposition for you."

"Oh this should be stunning," Ashten spat, crossing her arms.

Ignoring her snide remark, Derek continued, his gaze traveling from her eyes down to her cleavage.  "I won't say anything to Tommy as long as you give me what I want."

"And what is that?"

"I think you know." He kept moving forward until he backed her up against the pool table. 

"That's never gonna happen.  I'd tell Tommy while he is on stage tomorrow night before I let that happen." Ashten swallowed and looked over his shoulder feeling a slight wave of alarm run through her as she noticed the door to the room was shut.

Why is the door closed?

It was at that moment she saw something in Derek's eyes that sent shivers crawling down her spine.

A look of intent.

Derek let out a small laugh to match the sinister smile on his face.  He leaned in to whisper in her ear, the scent of a tequila and beer combination invading her nostrils, making her stifle a gag as he pinned her hands down to the table.  "It's cute you think you have a choice."

"Let. Me. Go." She growled slowly through gritted teeth, her heart starting to thump against her rib cage.

Derek briefly considered her request before he released one of her wrists to wrap a steel grip around her waist and pulling her close to him. 

"No," he replied simply, moving in to claim her mouth with his.

Ashten squirmed under his grasp, freeing her right arm. She took this gifted opportunity to wind her arm back and deliver a hard blow directly to his nose.

"Fuck," Derek roared in pain, blood gushing from his nostrils but it only seemed to fuel his fire, making her attempt to hurt him in hopes to escape from him fruitless.  All it did was earn her a back handed retaliation blow across the face. 

The hit was hard enough to make her stumble and spin around catching herself on the pool table in order to keep from hitting the floor.  Derek took advantage of her current vulnerable position and slammed her face down onto the green felt, ripping one of the straps of her top in the process.

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