Chapter 79: Filler: Day's with Mamoru (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Approaching the table, where the sniffles grew louder, Mamoru's eyes traveled to a sobbing child, who was rubbing her hands over her face as if to stop the tears. "Why are you getting snot everywhere, kid?"

He paused when she looked up at him, her cheeks red and growing redder the more she sobbed. "I-I... What's wrong w-with m-m-me?" She stammered as she was unable to calm the sobs.

Mamoru blinked at first, then remember her situation. This was the first time she's cried since she's been with him. Therefore, to her, this is likely the first time she's every cried.

He sighed softly, turning and walking to the kitchen. Before he could have any talk he needed some coffee to wake his ass up.

"M-M-Mam-oru?" She sniveled.

"You're crying." He stated, pouring some coffee which was already brewed before he went to bed. It wasn't steaming hot anymore, but it was still warm. Walking back to the table, he pulled out a chair and plopped down. "It's a normal human emotion. Everyone cries, kid."

She rubbed her face harder as more tears fell from her face. Mamoru winced and reached out to place a hand on her head, it was enough to make her pause. "It's fine. Just let it all out. A kid I used to know said crying was good, that it helped release pent up emotions."

"Do y-you cry?" Katsu whimpered.

"I don't have emotions." Mamoru resorted, watching as it made Katsu pause again and look up at him with only a quivering lip and a couple of tears escaping. It seemed to slow down. "Kidding. Rarely." He shrugged.

He took a sip of his coffee and paused as he looked over the pictures scatter over the table. The paper she had drawn over were different bounties that had been sent in from yesterday's newspaper. Most of the pictures were little doodles, a couple were decent drawings of little things, such as a butterfly or a flower. Considering her age and her lack of memory, Mamoru assumed it was decent.

However, one sketch made him pause. It looked as if it was a woman with hair covering her face. Around her was drawn a circle and shaded in. Mamoru picked it up, squinting at it before looking at Katsu.

Her eyes were wider once she realized what picture he was holding. The tears started falling more and she began shaking her head as her bottom lip quivered more.

"No. No. No." She shook her head, "I don't- I don't want to remember the dream. It wasn't good. Bad. Bad."

Mamoru watched for a moment as Katsu shook her head, thinking it will get rid of the dream she had. He wondered if it truly was a dream, or if perhaps it was a memory. Given the situation, he figured it was best to not bring it up, she was already distraught on whatever she saw.

Looking around, he tried to come up with a distraction. His eyes landed on the scattered papers all over the dinner table. He hummed as he searched for some unused ones before setting them down in front of her. Then he got up and walked over to the kitchen, opening up the fridge he stared at it for a moment before taking out two oranges.

Cutting them both in half he walked back over to Katsu, who was still shaking her head. Placing the oranges down in front of her, he set down some colored crayons. Grunting to gain her attention he waited until she paused to look at him with wide eyes.

"Can you draw that orange?" He pointed to one orange he had cut in half. Then the took the second orange, kept half, and offered the other half to her. "I got a snack too."

She stared at it for a moment, her thoughts still cloudy.

"You should eat it, I bet it will help you draw it better." He answered, "Plus, I want to see how good you can draw that. I bet it'll look like total shit."

She frowned at him, sniffling a little bit more. Taking the orange she took a bite of the inside before looking back at Mamoru. He stared at her with a tired bored look. Slowly she took up a crayon and glanced at him again.

"Go ahead, prove me right." He smirked.

She scowled at him, taking another bite of the orange. Looking at the orange she studied it. The last thing she wanted to do was prove him right. This picture of an orange would have to be absolutely perfect. She had to prove him wrong.

Mamoru leaned back in the chair as she started to draw the orange. The tears seemed to vanish, and the sniffling faded. Soon she was too much into the drawing to really pay attention. Then her eyes slowly shut and her head rested against the table. It wasn't a full fifteen minutes before she was completely knocked out.

Mamoru smirked a little bit, resting the half eaten orange on the table, and taking the crayon out of her hand. Picking up the child, he glanced at her picture and blinked. It wasn't near completed, but he definitely knew he couldn't do anything like that when he was her age. Picking up the picture, he turned and carried Katsu off to her bed.

Making sure to lay her down gently, Mamoru pulled the covers over her and walked out silently, making sure to close her door as well. Returning to his room, he opened the top drawer of his dressed and placed the unfinished picture in it. Along side the picture were different little things. Some dried out flowers, an old pair of glasses, some rocks, and some small cracked shells.

Turning he let out a loud yawn and collapsed into his bed. In a few hours he was going to need to get back up and deal with another day with Katsu.


End of Chapter 79!

So, I believe I should be getting back into the story line after this. This next arc might get a bit... heavy... if I truly write it how I plan it to. Katsu will most likely get some more memories back. Given that she's gotten the nice memories back, you can imagine the next bit won't be as happy.

With that being said, things are likely going to get a bit more tough for Katsu. Especially since things will roll over into the next arc... On another note, I pretty much have her whole family arc written out, but I'm not 100% where I want to place it. I need to catch up on the anime, as I just started the Big Mom arc and have yet to finish it, but I'm thinking sometime after then. That's a long time for ya'll to wait unfortunately, but I think it flows better then. I could be wrong though.

Anyway, I hope ya'll liked the chapter! You got to see more of Mamoru's thinking in this one, rather than the first one where it focused a little more on Katsu. Plus, it really shows you Mamoru's soft insides, which he is excellent at hiding.

On another LOVELY note. The lady that was cyberbullying me is now under some big investigation because she was also cyberbullying Meghan Markle. So, perhaps something will actually be done to stop her with all the evidence that multipule people have of her cyberbullying others.

This is not edited.

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