Chapter 1

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Cheryl's POV

It was a cold and dark Friday night in Riverdale, it made me shiver. I had to leave Thistelhouse because I... because I really couldn't handle anything anymore. I just don't understand why people are like this. For the past five-month Heather has been lying to me. How could she do this. I told her from the begining that it is hard for me to trust people and still all she did was use me. She promised me that she loved me and I was dumb enough to believe her. I even lost my best friend because of her. I lost the best person in my life for a lying bitch that has been cheating on me from the start of our relationship. Everything would have been better if I had trusted Toni from the first moment she told me that something was up with Heather. But of course I was so dumb to tell the only person that really was there for me that she should fuck off because she is just jealous of me. But all Toni wanted to do was protect me but i just pushed her away. I lost her and here I am all alone. No one who is there for me. My mother was probably right all these years. I am loveless and deviant. The only person who ever thought that my mother wasn't right is now mad at me and I lost her. Maybe it would be better if I wasn't her. No one would miss me. Not even Toni. I broke her heart, and she is probably happier without me. So I should just do everyone a favor and just go.

I was at the Sweet River and I was just thinking about everything that happened. The moment Toni told me that she saw Heather kissing a guy in the hallway. Me screaming at her that she is just jealous and that she should just fuck off and find someone who actually care for south side scums. The moment those word left my mouth i regret them. She is the most amazing person, she was always there for me and still I just yelled at her. The worst thing is that Toni could have anyone. I don't even know why I sad those things. I probably said them because deep inside me I knew that she was right but I just wanted something to finally go right and that I won't end like my mother always told me. The other point why I might have said it, was because if that with Heather was true that would mean I would be alone again, because I know that I can't have to person I truly love. So instead I broke the heart from the love of my life. That is even better. I broke her heart but in reality all I wanted to do was hold her close and call her mine. But of course I am that fucked up that my mind thought why not ruin her. Why not break her even when all she did was care for me.

This is it now I give up on life and I wasn't afraid or nervous in a way. I had suicidal thought before but I always found something to fight for something to stay alive for. Most of the time it was the same thing a person, a very special person with soft curly pink hair. But now I have lost her, I have lost the only reason for me to stay alive. The only thing that was able to stop me from doing this. I was ready to do this. I was standing on the ice layer of Sweet River a stone to break it in my hands. I am sure that I shouldn't live this and I hope I'm right because the worst thing that can happen is surviving this. Some part of me wonders if this is wrong but then I keep on thinking about how I lost everything I cared about. This used to not matter because I had Toni but now she is gone.

I thought of how much I loved her and of everything that happened getting overwhelmed with emotions I couldn't control. It is true I am madly in love with my best friend. Well ex best friend. It is probably better for Toni when I am not longer here anymore I really broke her I really did. She will never forgive me for it and I couldn't blame her for it. I would't want to forgive me as well.

I could no longer control my emotions and I started to break the ice layer with the stone, I was crying and I couldn't stop. The ice started to break, that's when I heard her. Toni she yelled I could tell that she is out of breath and that she is crying. But why was she here she should be happy with everyone else, she doesn't need me. But she is still standing there. I stood there on the ice. Our eyes conected, and we had both tears streaming down our faces. But before either of us could react or do anything the ice broke and I fell into the Sweet River. That was it. I am never going to see her again. And the worst thing is that she saw me this broken I really didn't want her to see this.


I hope you guys liked it. If you have ideas about what should happen let me know.
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