Chapter 17: twisted beauty

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Sharp rocks pushed through my worn shoes, digging into my soft heal.
"Aaden!" I cried out in vein almost tripping over myself. The moonlight reflected off the shinny leafy bushes to the sides of me. The trail of blood shimmed and gleamed, I keep stepping in it. Not on purpose but I didn't have time to carefully avoid pools and drips of blood.
Tears started streaming down my face, for all I know I could be running for nothing and he was already dead and gone. Or was a walker. I could barely see anything from the water in my eyes.  The sky seemed to blend into the dark trees in the night, while the stars seemed to disappear. I felt my foot lift but get pulled down making my body fall to the ground and my mouth took on dirt. The crunchy substance grinding against my teeth as I closed my mouth. I got up to my knees and spit out the dirt, I didn't know if it had blood in it. The taste still lingered in my mouth as I got up to see my glasses in the ground covered in mud. I picked them up seeing blood on them. I felt my hot tears clean tiny streaks of my face of dirt and probably blood. I cleaned them off and put them back in my face and started running again.
It seemed forever and forever blood was everywhere. Or perhaps I couldn't even see it. I was running just to run now. You could say I was lost. I stopped out of breath my out my hands on my knees. I got my breath back and listened for a moment for anything, someone, a walker, a word from God? I could use one right now. No, I didn't get any of those, I got a different thing.
I took a step forward to see people on the ground on there needs with something they were surrounding.
I opened my mouth to let something out but I covered my mouth because I didn't know what to do. I looked more closer to see that it was a group of walkers over a dead body. I feared it was Aaden, I thought it was Aaden. I took a step back feeling a tree trunk hit my sore back. I kept my hands over my mouth to keep myself from whimpering out loud. The night air gave me more of a sense of being alone as it was cold and lonely. I had been used to it for awhile now, but now it felt even more chilling then it should have been. I took a few steps forward to look at the body, I wanted to be certain if anything. A walker was in the way, eating the person's intestine that shimmered in the moonlight, of the person's head so I waited for it more, and finally it did. It wasn't Aaden. I let out a sigh of relief seeing it wasn't who I thought it was. I looked closely at the face that had a stream of blood coming from his mouth and a swollen eye. It almost was closed shut but you could barely see slightly open. The only way to tell was from the scattered light from the trees. The moonlight landed on his almost closed eye in an almost beautiful way. The moonlight scattered across his body and the walkers in a sickening twist of beauty. With walkers tearing and biting his body. Blood spilling out of his body and onto the ground and walkers around him. Organs lay twisted and scattered around the limp body, only moving when a walker tore something else out of him. It felt even more beautiful when I could see the person on the ground was Gale. I wasn't one for death and suffering but it felt good to see him in this setting.
  I turned away from the scene and started slowly walking away trying not to disturb what was happening and draw attention to myself. The sound of bits and the tearing noises of organs reminded me of some one eating soft pears and someone else tearing at a piece of BBQ flavored beef jerky. The sound disrupted the peaceful sound of silence that the night brought to the woods.
I kept walking with no thought feeling my mind except for that sight some meters back and the ever more disappearing sound of walkers eating someone. Then a sudden thought hit me. Aaden.Aaden? Yeuna? I still didn't know where either of them are. So I keep walking back to the hotel to see what I could do from there. I reached the glass doors of the building and pushed them open with my scraped that burned when I placed it upon the glass. I walked in and looked around and sat in a lobby chair, waiting. For what? I am still not sure. Perhaps something that would give me relief. Or a clue. Or maybe the ever so much more better option of death. Maybe...

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