Chapter 5: Leaving this

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We all knew at that moment something has to happen. But the silence grew between us, it felt sickening.
I stepped back at the window and looked at my friends, Yeuna had blackish tears from her eyeliner. She told me it was water prof though, maybe she ran out of that one?
Gosh in this moment we could  die and this is the stuff I am thinking about?
Aaden was rubbing Yeuna's back comforting her like before. Looked at me as if I knew what to do. Witch at this moment I only had bits and pieces of a good plan. Jesse was looking out the window, his eyes looked cloudy, like he was dead. His hand was still pointed at the window but his hand was slowly dropping.
  I looked at the wood floor Aaden had made us get. I could see my shadow reflecting in it ever so slightly, it wasn't as obvious because it was a overcast day. It was going to rain, now that I noticed I could smell it, most of it was drowned out by blood from the body though.
" We need to get out of here." Looking up I saw yeuna take a step forward " we need food, water, and for the most part weapons." As she stated food and water Aaden ran to the kitchen and started getting out stuff to take with us. Where? We didn't know, but not here.
I nodded in agreement and ran to my room.
We were all weirdos in this house. Aaden was a cat man, Jesse was a drunk, Yeuna was normal besides he obsession with memes, and me. I don't know what was weird about me anymore. It matter. Non or are weird quirks did. We didn't get to be our own people. We now just had to be survivors, and from all the zombie movies I had seen, we had to be badass survivors.
Within my internal Epiphany I had packed, pants , my knifes, some random shirt, and my water bottle. I looked under my bed and pulled out a case and opened it. My special gun, one my dad gave to me before he passed.
I pulled out the handgun, it's shine looked like silver and gleamed. I had to stop looking at it and get ready to go, the zombies were probably at our boor. I put the gun in my belt and took the three boxes of bullets in my bag. I already knew it was loaded because I liked it like that Incase someone broke in.
I looked at my wall and grabbed my gas mask that I had just cuz it looked cool but know it looked badass and it's the zombie apocalypse. Why not look like a badass killing zombies?
I ran down stairs every one was ready. Yeuna had a katana at her side, it was one she also used when practicing for... I don't know, something. She had given Aaden one of her other ones. It looked like the one I had when I was 13, neon green was my thing before it was his.
Aaden also has a gun, witch I was not expecting from the guy who would beg me not to kill a rat.
  Jesse on the other hand had only moved to the window. He looked out of it just standing there with his hands in his pockets as if he was watching a lightning storm." This is it." He whispered, I was the only one who really heard though.
Jesse was a broken person that had showed up at our door. The only reason we took him in was because we had felt bad. But he wasn't the person we knew anymore he wouldn't tell us what happened either, not even Aaden. He was like his best friend too.
I walked over to him. " We're going to die unless we go now." I said looking at him." I am ready to die." He said not looking at me.
I shrugged " alright see you in Hell then." I said walking over to Yeuna and Aaden " let's go." I said walking out the back door.
" Wait,wait,wait,wait!" Jesse said running out the door to follow us. I chuckled, he wasn't dead inside. Not yet.

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