Chapter 12 : It wasn't my fault

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From what had happened, Yeuna had asked me to go get some medical supplies for Aaden, since there wasn't really anything we could use. Jesse offered to go with me but I decided he should stay here. Yeah I know it wasn't smart to go alone, but you expect me to go with a screaming, drunk toddler like Jesse? I don't think so.

I had made my way down the stairs of flights I had gone down now a few times. With the bloody hand prints still on there place, untouched. The dead body still sitting in its place, with a dark pool of blood. I was about to walk out the front glass door, but I stopped. I turned to the closet and walked over to the body. Studying it again, looking at the blood, brain spilling over the side , and his glossy eyes. I stepped over to the side of his body and kneeled down. I looked at his eyes and now, they looked relaxed strangely. Almost like he was alright with what had happened to him, and that I could only imagine. I sighed and closed his eyes, because they freaked me out when I walked by. I hated being stared at.

Once I was out the front door, I had noticed it was already a few hours away from sun set, maybe 2 or 3. I sighed and started walking around the deadly quiet town. There wasn't even a fall breeze to keep me company. I walked into a corner store looking for anything of use. I was surprised that there was barely anything gone. The only things that were really missing was a lot of the water and a lot of the candy. I guess someone who had a sweet tooth was here. I thought to myself taking a few more steps into the building. I jumped over the counter of the cashier and opened the computer. I had been on this store when I was 16, and I knew they had a speaker system, well from the last time I was here. Since I used to also work in a corner store like this I knew usually there wasn't any internet hooked up to the computer that could be used for anything other then for billing and such. So usually employees would download music onto the computer or have a chip for it. At least that's what my co-workers and I did.
" Well would you look at that." I chuckled to myself. I looked at the play list that I had found in a file named "Music". The list had a lot of different music choices but man where they good ones. A lot of them where songs I used to listen to as a teen with my friends. Songs like, Panini, Sweater Weather, EARFQUAKE, I feel like I am drowning, King, fast, and a lot more.

I put it on shuffle and it started playing, Way Down We Go by KALEO.
I started singing alone to it as I started looking around for stuff we could use for anything. I found some of the canned food missing, and pads. I shrugged throwing some tampons and canned soup in my bag. I keep walking around while snacking on some roasted peanuts. I did really find anything for medical use besides some bandaids, I took them with me still though. I sighed knowing I would have to go to another store. I walked over to the counter and again jumped over it, I didn't push stop though. I waited for the song to stop playing, I only did this because, I wasn't going to be listening to music for much longer. The power was eventually going to go out, I wouldn't have it to escape to anymore.
Once it was over I tuned off the computer and left the store.

I ended up walking around for 15 minutes trying to find a drug store or something that might have some kind of medical supplies. Non of the stores had first aid kits either. Finally after awhile of walking and glancing in stores I had found a drug store and sighed in relief. This store gave me an uneasy feeling though. Some of the lights where broken, it looked like someone threw something at them.
I hesitantly opened the door and walked in with the door gliding to the side of the door. I looked at the large signs hanging over the sections of the store, showing what was contained in them. I walked kind of fast in the one that simply stated " medical supplies". I wanted out of this store and to go back to the room. I started looking around mumbling to myself as to what would be needed. I grabbed bandages, cast wraps, patches, surgical masks, hydrogen peroxide, cotton balls, and some pain killers. I grabbed stuff that were not really needed for this injury just Incase something else happened and we needed it. I took a step back seeing if there was anything else we needed and shook my head thinking we didn't and headed for the door. I started walking fast like I did before.
I didn't really have that weird feeling anymore though, probably since I had been distracted picking supplies. I opened the door to leave, then I heard something. It sounded like buttons against sand paper, it sounded like it was from the other side of the store. I looked back hesitating to reach for my gun. My eyes widened seeing something being thrown at the light on the ceiling and broke it. The glass shattered and hit the ground breaking into even more pieces. My feet moved without me tying to and headed out the door but not before I heard a groaning sound from across the store. I started running but struggled a bit while my backpack was swinging from side to side. In no time I was at the hotel we were staying at. I panted stopping at the stairs as I didn't want anyone to panic if they heard someone running up the stairs without any warning.
Once I reached the top I caught my breath and whipped the sweat from my head, and walked into the room. I didn't see anyone there and I got confused. " Yeuna? Jesse? Aaden?" I called out looking in all the rooms. I went into the living room and say the other body that was now in the building and sighed relieved that it hadn't come back to life to kill them. I walked out of the room and rubbed the back of my neck walking down the hall.

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