Chapter 6: Somewhere

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We walked into the cold bitter night, trying our best to avoid the bloody living-dead corpses. After seeing what was Yeuna's boyfriend, shed that glassy tear, I couldn't help but keep thinking about how and why. Questions I couldn't answer went through my mind as soon as they left.
"Leah, your going to give away our spot." Aaden whispered next to my ear. I looked up, barely even an inch away from his face, his eyes showed concern. Some how he knew when I was over thinking anything. Even though overthinking the zombie apocalypse was happening, he put other people before him. The only annoying part about this trait of him though is that he never spoke this, he just expected me to start talking.
I looked back at the ground and nodded slightly. There was a group of them, zombies, just stumbling around twitching and looking around, Jesse after sniffling some crack.
From the zombies we had encountered before they were decently fast but we could out run them. We knew this because Yeuna couldn't stop laughing at the fact Jesse popped his elbow.
Seemed like the old days in 8th grade where we used the mess around and the zombies were the kids in that class that thought we were weird. But who cares about that now, since I have played the walking dead I will probably be alive wishing I was dead with no friends, or a zombie. O yeah
or just plain old dead.
Anyway, back to the zombies. Like the first one Aaden and I had encountered there eyes were bloodshot and the middle was a whiteish grey, almost as if a cloudy overcast day was put in a Crystal ball then shoved into a dead mans eye.
Just thinking they were just people, like us, Yeuna, Aaden, Jesse, and me.
They had jobs, husbands, wifes, maybe even kids. Again Aaden had to shake me out of my long uninteresting thoughts.
" Leah we need to focus, we're trying to get out of this town. And while you were day dreaming, we decided where we have to go. You know your old house up in big bear? Yeah we're goin there." Aaden said grabbing my wrist and dragging me to another tree to hide behind. " why the hell would we go there? We're in Organ?!" I whispered yelled at him.
" Because it's literally in the middle of no where, plus you visited it last week." He said going the the next tree and waved me over to him. I followed looking back the zombies before squeezing next to him.
" yeah and that was a 5 hour drive, do you have any idea how long of a walk that will be? Plus us having to look out for zombies?" I questioned.
" Yes and we have enough stuff to last us a few days and maybe a bit more, plus Jesse was in Boy Scouts." Aaden said with a slight smirk. I didn't understand how he could smile, but my god was it contagious. I had to fight my urge to smile, did I win that fight? Nope.
Our nice little moment wouldn't last long though. I could hear overly dramatic kissing noises from the tree to the side of me. Yeuna of course, she was going to end up getting us killed. I rolled my eyes, but also since I am white my face was super red.
Eventually we made our way past all the zombies. Now we were on a dirt road to what seemed like nothing, but to the rest of my friends, it was our new home maybe. But to me I knew it wasn't going to last long.

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