Chapter 19: Leave

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One month had passed since Jesse had died. We have moved on from Dairy in search of a safer place to stay. Yeuna and Aaden did not include me in any decision making talks anymore. I was just following aimlessly in there tracks. I hadn't really explained to them what happened back at the hotel. I didn't even know. I probably wrote it down wrong anyway, I don't feel like going back and fixing it so whatever we keep going on. Anyway, we were searching for more weapons and things to use in our fight against the " dead".
I still didn't know what to think about them. We hadn't really found any more and if we did, we just left them alone. Aaden and Yeuna weren't ready to kill one anyway.
Apparently when we all got separated at the hotel. Yeuna had gotten away from the beast by simply going onto a roof and waited it out, witch was kinda lame. Aaden, who still has broken ribs mind you, ran into a crowd of walkers and not gotten bitten. Gale tried to follow by got taken down and eaten.
I was glade they at least knew how to find there way somehow.

I felt more left out of the group more and more everyday. At this point I was ready to leave them. If all they saw was a killed who did the dirty word for them then it was my time to go. Yeah they where my friends but I don't see how they treated me like one. They barely even said a word to me.
We settled down for the night at a house close to the town we had just raided. They had made a small fire in the fire place witched warmed the small house in the cold. I slept in a corner far away from the fire as Aaden and Yeuna has made there sleeping arrangements near the fire to stay warm. It was always like this now. I laid on my side, my back facing the fire and tried my dear best to sleep.
I could hear whispers and chuckles from by the fire for a hour when it suddenly sounded quite I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Feeling the dust enter my nose and the smoke tickle the hairs lining my nose.
"So what are we going to do?" A small voice asked the man laying ahead of her.
"We leave it. It is a danger to us." He responded
"I hate it too. But you know I am right."
"No your not! She's human too!"
"Really you can say that after she killed that girl. After she killed those things without batting an eye?" He yelled as lowly as he could.
"That's because of her background! She had to do what she had to do, then and now! Remember your the one who got a fridge on them and broke your rids from a little girl. We would be dead if she wasn't here!" She barked back.
"She will be the reason we die." He muttered.
"Go to fucking bed Aaden. Your supposed to be the reasonable one. How can you even say that after all she has done for us. For you!" Yeuna turned away,"We can y'all about this in the morning."
I heard a sigh come from Aaden as he got up from the floor and went out side," I am going for a walk." He said shutting the door.
I laid on the floor silently and motionless. Sorry you think that way of my Aaden. I didn't know you thought I would get you guys killed. If I could I would take back what I am about to say but I can't, so I am sorry.

It had been about half an hour and Aaden hadn't come back. Yeuna was asleep because I could hear her snoring from my corner. I stood up and grabbed my knife and gun and walked out the door. "Aaden?" I asked looking around. I walked down the road to find a bench with someone sitting on it witch there head to hanging down and there back hunched over. " Hey?" I asked. The figure looked up at me with there eyes glistening in the moon light.
" What-do you want?" He asked with a shaky voice. "I heard what you said about me Aaden. I was going to leave anyway but you could of had the decency to say it to my face." I stated.
" Just leave me the hell alone. I would have never been here if it weren't for you! I would have been with my family, my mom, my dad, my little brother! For all I know there all dead now. Because of you!" He said standing up and pointing at me," Aaden if you can say that about me after all the times I had to fucking stick up for you, you were never my friend were you? You just wanted someone to blame and u was the nearest person you could point the finger at. And for that, I am sorry. I am sorry you think that way about people who try to help yo-"
"You fucking left me!" He interrupted.
"You left me alone with no one, for years Leah! You know how much shit I had to do?" He said with shaking knees.
"I was serving for our country Aaden! What else do you want me to say? Your acting like a child. You never act like this. What is wrong with you Aaden?"
"I am going to die no matter where we go or what we do!"
"What do you ev-"
" I have cancer!"
It was silent. Not even the wind kept blowing everything came to a holt. My heart stopped in my chest my lungs stopped filling with air. "What kind?" I asked looking at the ground.
"Brain." He said his voice being becoming quite.
"Fine. You want me to leave, I will respect that. But if you think just because you may have a shorter time here on this Earth means you don't have to give a shit. Your wrong. But I...will respect your wishes."
I said turning back to go get my things,"Leah wait. I-I-I am sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just can't think straight anymore with everything that's happening-".
"Don't. You spoke your mind already and I will do what will make you happy and leave."
"But I-."
" Save it."

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