Chapter 14: smells

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Two days had past and we didn't know where to go from here. Weather we should stay or go on to the cabin. I was just in the middle and didn't really care as to what we did. I didn't exactly want to go to my cabin but I also didn't want to stay long here either. Everyday felt like there was going to be something new but there wasn't really anything.
Everyone seemed to forget about what was happening at times. I wondered what happened to my brother, my parents? I wasn't sure anymore. I wanted to go see if they were ok but apart of me didn't. Afraid to be met with pain finding them dead, or having to put them out of there misery myself.

"Leah, I know your the one who has to do most of the trips out but will you go on another trip for some food and water. Aaden also needs new bandages because he keeps sweating and there all nasty." Yeuna causally said writing down something in her notebook that she had been writing in for awhile. I wasn't sure what she was writing though.

I sighed a bit but complied," Yeah sure I don't mind. I like getting out of this room anyway." I chuckled a bit grabbing my bag to put stuff in.
"Can I come please?" Aaden asked from the other room as he was playing uno with Jesse.

"No Aaden, you need to relax if you don't you could have permanent damage." Yeuna said giving him a glare as she looked up from the paper. I heard Aaden give a big sigh," Fine whatever." He states with slight attitude.

I walked out the door and closed it gently behind me and made my way down the stairs, the only reason we used the stairs all the time was because we were paranoid there could be something in them or the power would go out while we used them and we would be stuck in there till we die.

I started walking to the corner store that I went to before with the place trashed, I didn't want anything to go to waste. Plus I wanted to look to see if I could find anymore details about the thing with sharp claws throwing stuff.

Once I reached the store, I looked around to make sure nothing would jump out at me. I stepped into the store feeling the weight of my body crush the glass crack under me. I suddenly could smell the faint odor of what smelled like pee and crap. I cringed at the smell and held my shirt up to my nose. The place looked like it had been trashed maybe one or two more times. Boxes where torn open and poured onto the floor. Drinks slashed open and thrown across the store. I examined everything," More claw marks." I whispered looking at boxes and bottles. Nothing looked as if it had been eaten or anything though. Like it looked as if a someone with long claws went on a rage fit and started destroying everything in sight. Then I noticed, music. Music was playing. I had a shiver go up my spine. I ran over to the computer. I know I had unplugged the computer. I looked down to see it back in the wall where it sucked up energy. I shook my head, at first I thought it was an animal, perhaps even having the illness. But now it seemed intelligent, what animal is able to plug in a computer, log in, and access the music files. I hit the table looking around with my back leaning up against it. I looked over to the bathroom and walked over to it and swung open the door a sudden smell of death,piss, and shit, stung my nose making me take a step back. A bead body lay on the floor in a pool of blood and organs. I covered my mouth again. I had didn't have to struggle as much as last time to keep down my food. It still was a fight to though.
The body had its organs spilling out onto the floor, almost like a horrific peace of art. The body looked new, I would have noticed if it was here when I first come. I looked around the bathroom to see bloody hand prints and parts of words written in dripping blood, thick and dark. I closed the door and took a step out of the store. I couldn't take this twisted part of the end of the world with weird clawed things, zombie kids that cried, now dead bodies out of nowhere. I held my head in confusion and looked back at the hotel that wasn't to far away. I started running over to there, it was the right time to tell them what was actually happening.

I ran into the building and took a few steps in right before hearing a horrific scream from above.

Blood, Masks, and ZombiesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя