Now everything was planned the attack was to take place on the day of the UA Festival, but now how would they do it? Izuku began crafting the plans. UA was too risky to attack directly, so they needed to use less conventional tactics. The terrorist organizations of old used bomb attacks, so Izuku decided to borrow a page from their book; he would sneak in a day before and install specially crafted bombs on crucial points around the stadium that would detonate when he gave the order. Then there was the attack on the HPSC offices. They would probably still have decent defences, so they will concentrate their firepower there. Nana, Kurogiri and Nomu will be enough. Kurogiri will transport Nana and Nomu there, Nana will command the Nomu, and Nomu will cause as much damage as possible before the heroes show up and retreat. Then there was All Might's agency, he decided to take the mission himself, as a way to stick it to All Might. He predicted security would be lower than usual, as he planned his attack to be a few minutes after the attack on the HPSC, which means whatever hero remained there would probably be called to attend on defending the offices. His strategy would be the same as the one on the other attack, go, cause as much damage as possible and retreat. This was hit and run tactics; Izuku knew they wouldn't stand a chance in conventional battles, so they would have to adapt.

The only problem was that this strategy heavily depended on Kurogiri's quirk, which means if something happens to him, it was game over. He didn't want to risk everything like that. They needed another warper to guarantee if something happened to one, there would still be another one. Still, warp quirks were extremely rare, but Izuku had already succeeded in replicating some of AFO's quirks into his arm, so maybe he could do the same with Kurogiri's quirk. At last, he decided that it would be best if they formally presented themselves this time to the world. He would hack into all of Japan's tv companies and give a small message. With everything planned, he began to write it down and went to show it to AFO.

Izuku: Sensei, everything is planned.

AFO: Good, Izuku, let me read it.

After a few minutes, AFO gave his response.

AFO: You never cease to amaze me, boy, I approve, tell Nana to prepare herself, and tell Kurogiri to let you study his quirk. Also, I will provide you with all the needed material; good luck.

Izuku: Thanks, sensei, we will not let you down.


UA had suspended classes for a week to allow the 1A students to recover and also to buff their security. When they came back, everyone was still talking about the USJ battle.

Sero: Man, imagine if All Might and Titan didn't show up when they did.

Mineta: Shut up! Thinking about it makes me want to pee!

Tsuyu: Who do you think will be our homeroom teacher for now?

Izumi: I don't know, actually.

At that moment, the door opened, revealing a mummy.

Aizawa: Good morning, class.

Ejiro: Yeesh, sensei, are you alright?

Shota: Do you think he looks alright?

Tsuyu: Sensei, shouldn't you be resting now? Kero.

Aizawa: My well-being is not essential, I have a duty, and I will do it.

Ejiro: Wow, you are too much of a pro but so manly!

Aizawa: Anyways, sit down. I have something to tell you.

The students did as told, and Aizawa went to the podium.

Mind vs Might: There Are No Heroes (A Villain!Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now