Chapter 43

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Alex's PoV

"Stain me Red, love"

That was the last thing I heard before going into shock mode because of Archer's lips on mine.

You would think that I would get used to the feeling of kissing him, but every single kiss is better than the one before.

His lips are gentle at first, soothing and just amazing. Fireworks can't even begin to describe the things I'm feeling in my stomach. My whole body is trembling as I reach for his hair and tug when he forces my mouth open.

More like I willingly opened my mouth for him, but that's beside the point.

I should probably be worrying about the gorgeous red lilies that are on the floor, but when I try to think of anything else than Archer my mind and heart start to object.

We back out for air but Archer dives in again. Good thing that I stop him or we'll be making out the whole night outside my house.

This one month with Archer has just been great. I have never been happier and it's all because of him. Yeah, I admit at first we had trouble. I mean, of course, we will because he's a damned chick magnet! Whenever other women are within a mile distance with him my heart starts to hurt.

I trust him. Of course, I do. How Can I not? But I don't trust those leeches that try to steal other people's boyfriends.

We figured things out though. And I don't feel like pulling any of these leeches hair out if they're within touching distance but not really touching so that's an improvement.

However, if you think I am bad, you should see how he is! He goes all caveman on me when I just say hello to a male other than him.

Yeah, we're that obsessed with each other.

ECE is still a problem but for Archer, I'm willing to enjoy the moment as much as I can. After two years I'll be legal. ECE won't have anything on me. Plus Archer said he would protect me and I trust him.

His parents, the people that were never around Archer since he was a kid, I don't know them at all. However, Archer said that it's okay and he's used to it.

I mean, how could they do this to their only son?

The way he stared at me just before kissing me made me feel hot in all different places but we haven't done anything beyond kissing and I'm good with that for now.

I can't believe I just said for now.

I'm brought back to reality when Archer pushes the lilies to me. They smell so good.

He's looking as hot as ever but there's something about Archer in a suit that has its own appeal. He looks so Bad-ass. Like he doesn't fit in this suit, but that's what makes it the whole more gorgeous of course.

He's so beautiful. It's unfair.

"Red lilies For you my love"

He does something akin to a bow and I laugh at his silliness, taking the lilies from him, and thanking him.

"I'll just put these in and I'll be coming"

The month passed with either me sleeping at Archer's place or Archer's sleeping at mine. Since we started dating I have never been alone at night and that's... Nice. I never liked the eerie quietness of the night when I was all alone, left with my thoughts.

The day Archer walked into my life, my reality changed. I've never felt lonely ever again. He was always with me and it makes me so ecstatic to know that I'll never be alone again.

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