Chapter 40

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Archer's PoV


She's only treating my wounds but fuck when she tugged at my hair...

It was a huge fucking turn on.

God, why am I being like this again?!

I told her I love her but she hasn't told me. She didn't say if she loves me or not. Maybe it's just a crush for her. It's not nothing because I know that this girl feels something for me. But whether it's deep or just platonic... That I don't know.

Hopefully as deep as my feelings run.

Anyways, now isn't the time for this. Blake is waiting and knowing him, he's definitely dying to know what happened back there with Alex. I'm just glad no one else saw what that was or it would have been bad.

Bad is an understatement.

I lean in to kiss her because her lips are just so tempting, but she isn't having it. Before we make contact she places her hand on my mouth.

"Blake is waiting. Let's go"


I follow behind her and that's when I remember that I'm shirtless and she's wearing my hoodie. She looks fucking adorable. It's too big for her. I decide to tease her a little about this.

"Nice to see that you're enjoying wearing my clothes. Looks better on you than it looks on me"

She blushes instantly and takes it off in one swift motion. While she's doing so, part of her sides shows and I go back to what happened at the cliff.

Before I would go all caveman on her, she throws me the hoodie and turns around to meet with Blake while I act like a total creep and smell the hoodie.

It smells like her.

Okaaaayyy. Not creepy at all Archer.

We decide to talk about this somewhere private, aka in my house. We drove the motorcycles there. Blake went on his own and Alex with me. She was hesitant at first because of my injuries but after convincing her that I'm good enough to drive, she had no choice but to get on.

She became less scared of motorcycles and I take pride in this since she's been riding with me to school the last few weeks.

So now we're in the living room and it's silent as hell but Blake breaks this silence.


Blake asked the question I was hoping he wouldn't. Dammit.

The same emotions that passed Alex's face when I asked her that question, a long time ago, are showing again. Nevertheless, she manages to answer Blake the same answer she gave me.

"I don't know"

Blake is silent again, probably processing the fact that this happens.

"What causes this to happen?"

I stare at Alex with so much adoration. I'm so proud of her. She's dealing with this better than the first time she told me and that's an improvement. She sucks in a breath, preparing herself to answer his question.

"Well, it happens when I cry, when I'm mad, ultimately embarrassed and so on. It all has something to do with my emotions. When I'm mad, they turn red. When I'm sad, they turn blue. According to my mood and emotions, they change into a specific color."

Blake nods his head in understanding and I'm so glad that he's being mature and understanding about this.

"Have you ever thought of finding a cure?"

Damn. Blake's questions are much better than mine. Maybe because he was always the rational one in our friendship.

Alex wastes no time to nod her head and answer him.

"Of course. How could I not? It wasn't every day you see people's eyes changing color"

She's trying to hide how much this affects her by joking but I know that it's killing her. I know that she's withering slowly because of this. I understand. I truly do.

"Well, I know people that can help. But they'll need to do experiments-"


Her voice is suddenly vacant and void. The temperature of the room seems to have dropped drastically and Alex looks like she's ready to bounce right out of here.

But obviously, I'm the only one that senses that because Blake continues to push the subject.

"But it's necessary to find-"

Blake never got to finish his sentence because next thing you know I'm shooting him glares and silencing him.

"She said No"

Alex gets up and leaves towards the stair and I know that she's going to my room so I sigh in relief.

"Okay, what was that?"

"It's a sensitive topic and not mine to tell"

Thankfully he doesn't push it and decides to leave. After I hear his motorcycle straying from my garage I go up to check in Alex.

Marie is probably sleeping.


We're alone and I love her.

I block the pass my thoughts are attempting to take and knock gently on the door. Stillness welcomes me so I open the door myself. The sight that greets me is Alex, curled in a ball, and staring right out of my window's room. She's here yet at the same time she isn't and it's killing me.

ECE must have been a fucking torturous lab if she has developed a phobia from experiments because of them.


I wish she didn't go through all of that. I wish I can take all the pain away. However, I'll try my best.


She seems in a daze so when I make my presence known she snaps out of it.

She didn't even hear me knock.

I curse under my breath as I approach her. She looks so pained, so tortured. I just want to make it all disappear.

Without a word, I crawl in with her and hug her from behind. She doesn't object. In fact, she leans into me more. She seeks my warmth as she gets comfortable in my arms. I can't even express the intensity of my feelings for this girl.

She's my home.

I love her so much, with all her perfect imperfections. I love her and I don't want this to be just a high school crush. I want a future with her.

A future where mini Alex's are running around the house when I get back from work. She would be waiting for me and she'll tell me "Welcome home".

I'm not scared. This is amazing. I want this with her, only her, no one else. But I can't tell her this. I don't want to scare her away. She didn't even say the L-word.

Why is it bothering me so much?

Because you want your feelings to be returned.

Yeah, I would really like that.


Best friend: She finally said please vote. Yay.

Me: Balantly ignores her.

Best friend: BITCH!!!

Oh well, I gotta run. See ya folks!

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