Chapter 21

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Alex's PoV

I don't know what just happened.

I don't know when did the look in Archer's eyes change from grateful to intense.

I don't know when the comfortable silence turned into tension.

I don't know when did my eyes change from blue to red.

I don't know what happened but whatever it is. I don't like it.

I don't like it one bit.

But my heart seems to like it. My whole body seems to like it that I find myself inching closer to Archer.

I retreated my hand from Archer's shoulder and clenched the area above my heart willing it to stop beating so fast, to stop this madness. Why is it beating so fast?

Why the hell is it beating so fast?

My heart thudded against my chest uncontrollably and at an alarming pace. The irritation in my heart intensified but this time it was different than the usual pain. Something was different.

Something changed.

I don't want pain no matter what kind of pain it is. I don't need it. I deal with pain when I fight and right now I need to throw a punch.

To numb the pain.

Is it toxic? Yes.

Do I care? No, not really.

I almost forgot that Archer is here and now his eyes are full of concern.

This is wrong. This is so wrong.

My thoughts were a jumbled mess as I abruptly stood and started packing my things up. I need to leave. I can't stay. When did I ever let my guard down? Where did I go wrong?

"What's wrong?"

I don't know.

I just ignored him as I continued packing my stuff.

"Alex I'll get you home, but stay and have breakfast first"

I whipped my head around so fast I'm surprised my neck didn't break.

"Have breakfast?!"

I actually laughed.

I can't let my guard down. I can't stay here. The longer I'm around Archer the more the pain intensities and the faster my heartbeats. The more my eyes are changing color around him. The more things get out of control.

I can't get near to him. I can't get attached. Not again. I won't allow the past to repeat itself.

I won't allow it.

"Archer, do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? I don't want to have fucking breakfast! I just want to go back to my house!"

Archer's eyes widened and his jaw was unhinged. He seemed so confused about what he did to make me leave. The problem is that just being around him puts me through pain and I don't want pain.

My heart feels like it's going to explode damn it!

He then did the unthinkable and that sent my mind into total turmoil. He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and ruffled his hair while his cheeks tinted a fade shade of red. But it was still there.


Everything he did drew attention to things that I didn't want to pay attention too.

1- The hair.

So soft.

So shiny.

I want to touch it.

2- His arm muscles

I watched in awe as they flexed to reach for the back of his neck and hair.

3- The cheeks

They looked so cute and I have sudden maternal instincts to just pinch the living shit out of them.

And I can't believe I described him like that.

Fuck my life.

Oh, wait.

It's already fucked up!

"Are you PMS-ing?"

And just like that, every single thought in my head vanished into thin air as I drew into a blank. For a few moments, I just stood there. However, when the question started to sink in my face turned beet red. I think it's from anger more than embarrassment.

"What the hell? No! I'm not! I- The fuck? Shut up!"

I guess the embarrassment won.

Damn me.

It is then that I notice the mirror just behind Archer.

Red. My eyes are red... Fuck!

I hunched my shoulders in defeat. This is what happens when I'm around him and I don't wish for that.

I turned my back to him and headed towards the door. However, before opening it I hesitated. It was ridiculous. And what was more absurd is that I don't know why the hell I did waver. I shook my head.

It doesn't matter.

"Hey Archer, You should deal with your maid."

With that said, I stepped out and started making my way to God knows where. This house is huge and I don't know where the exits are.

Luckily, while I was aimlessly walking around the mansion I saw an old lady talking with a maid. She noticed me and gasped. I didn't have time to do a thing before I was engulfed in a bone-crushing hug.

"Can't. Breathe."

She finally took pity on my bones and let me go.

"Oh my, how are you darling? I hope you're feeling better!"

She must have seen me get in.


"I'm thanks for asking. Can you please show me where the exit is? I'm kind of lost."

"Oh, That bad bad boy! He didn't see his guest out! So rude! Don't worry darling I will show you the way"

The people here just keep getting crazier.

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