Chapter 17

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GUYS! I AM SO SORRY FOR BEING LONG WAY TOO MUCH! I had finals going on in my school and I got busy in studying.

I'm so sorry!

Alex POV

I can't believe this.

You see, waking up in the middle of the night, sweating as fuck and next to a guy you only met two days ago is not something to enjoy. I repeat. NOT to enjoy it.

I'm not cold anymore since the 24 hours passed by. However, I'm very warm and hot right now. I'm sweating, for fuck's sake! I tried to get up from the mattress as secretly as I could so he wouldn't wake up.

I just can't believe he slept next to me! What was he thinking?!

As I tried to pull off his strong arm off me he stirred and woke up. He yawned and stretched his arms but before I could move, Archer pulled me closer and snuggled more into me. I blushed a very dark shade of red and tried to push him off.

"Get off me, moron!"

Surprisingly and to my utter relief, he did. He got off the bed and stood to loom above me and stare at me with those green forest-like eyes. I shrugged off the blankets and started to take my sweater off. I was wearing a T-shirt under it of course. When I was done, I looked around and he was gone. This gave me time to think.

I hugged him when he got in bed a few hours ago. I huddled with him!

What was I thinking?

I remember. I remember how he smelled nice. I remember how his arms wrapped around me protectively. I remember how he was worried about me like he actually cared. Like he really did care. I remember how cozy and secure I felt in his arms, just like before when we hugged in school and at my home. Every time I hug him it's the same emotions but not the same at all.

Everything would feel heated and damp. I would feel stable and resistant to the world but frightened and exposed at the same time from these feelings. I don't like the way I feel with Archer but at the same time, I need this feeling. I need to feel like this. I like it and I don't.

God...I was going crazy.

Contradicting myself like that...

What is wrong with me?!

Before I could dwell more on those sensations, Archer came in again. He sat on the edge of the bed and waited. I know that he's waiting for me to explain. I can't keep running away. I owe him. If he didn't come to check on me I would have fainted and there would have been no one to help me. I owe him damn it!

I sighed loudly and put on my blank face.

"Go ahead"

He stared at me distracted but then I elaborated.

"I know you have questions so go ahead, ask them."

His eyes widened in surprise. He clearly wasn't expecting me to answer those questions let alone allow him to ask without shutting him down. He took a deep breath and his round of questions began.

"What was that? Why were you freezing to death?"

Of course, he would ask that. I manage to keep my face neutral as I answer his question.

"It's something that always happens every end of each month for 24 hours, from midnight to midnight. I don't know why but it just happens"

He nodded carefully. He seemed so lost in his thoughts as if thinking carefully about his other question.

"Why do they change color?"

I knew what he was referring to by them. I closed my eyes painfully, trying to suppress the feelings of pain, vulnerability, confusion, insecurity... All of those feelings of showing. I wanted to scream at him, scream at the whole world. If I knew myself I would have found a way to stop it but the thing is.

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

The thing that pains me the most is that I don't know!

I took a deep breath before opening my eyes.

"I don't know. It happens according to my emotions... I guess"

I wanted my voice to be stronger and firmer. However, it was shaky and it broke at the end.


My whole body shook in turmoil and I tried to relax. Questions and complications clouded my mind. Why? I couldn't help but always wonder why?

"Ok, Thank you for answering. That's enough. You should rest. Do you want to take a warm shower?"

My head snapped up quickly at a pace I thought I never knew. This is it? He won't ask more? I believed that after I started talking he would take full advantage of it. However, here he is, telling me that's it's enough. He's offering me rest and a warm shower.


My heart, my heart just jumped. It feels so safe. So fucking safe just like-

He waved his hands in front of me snapping me out of my temporary daze. I shook my head fiercely to get rid of those thoughts and accepted his shower offer. He pointed at a door behind the bed and said that he'll get me some clothes.

I headed towards the bathroom, but I was surprised to see how extravagant it looked. They were rich alright.

Everything was white and shiny. The sink handles looked like they were made of gold, but I know that it's just for the picture. I headed towards the bathtub and opened the cold water to fill it. I was a bundle of nerves and I don't fucking know why.

Oh...Maybe I'm nervous because I will be bathing in a stranger's bathtub. Yeah, that's it!

I should have thought better about this but now there is no going back. Before I chicken out he comes with a shirt and pants. On top of them, it looks like there is...


What the fuck?

He looked pretty nervous himself. He was rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly and looking anywhere but me. Red-colored his cheeks and I know that my cheeks are the same. I decided to break this silence by clearing my throat and thanking him.

"T-thank y-you"

He didn't reply he just closed his eyes and took a deep breath. However, the redness in his cheeks grew more. He then pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"Uh...You're welcome."

And with that said he bolted right out of the bathroom. I just stood there for a few seconds wondering what the hell has happened and what is wrong with my fucking heart. Only one thought wandered in my head. And no matter how many times I pushed it back it comes again to haunt me.

That was so cute.

Nope! Nah uh! Don't you dare go there Alex! You will only get hurt.

I smiled a tragic smile and started stripping to get in the bathtub.

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