Chapter 15

190 17 1

Archer POV

Blue and yellow eyes. Fucking blue and yellow eyes.

I don't know how much I've seen these eyes but I'm sure that it doesn't matter how much I just cannot get enough of them.

I can't.

I snap from the haze I was captured in when her body swayed. That's when I noticed that she was shaking and her lips were blue.

"What the-Alex! What's wrong??"

I quickly rushed to her side just in time to catch her. However when my skin made contact with her-

"Fuck! You're freezing!"

And damn right she was. Before I could think about why or how, I scooped her up in my arms bridal style and carried her to the room. I gently tucked her in bed and covered her with the blankets on it. She didn't protest.

"God. What am I going to do with you?"

Soup. Soup is good for her. It's hot and it might heat her up. I rush into the kitchen. It's just the other door in the house. It's small but I guess for one person you wouldn't need that much of a big kitchen.

Only for me of course.

That bitter thought crossed my mind but I refused to dwell on it. Not now. Not when she's on the verge of dying because of hypothermia.

I look in the cupboards, the fridge, the drawers, but no use. They're empty. All of them are empty. I growl in frustration and tug at my hair.

It's useless! It's fucking useless!

Suddenly out of nowhere the idea of taking her to my house crossed my mind. However, I quickly shook my head. I can't. No matter how much I do not want her to die of hypothermia I can't take her.

But you need to.

No, I don't.

If she dies, it will be on your conscience.


And before I give myself the time to think it thoroughly, I grab my keys and I'm already hauling her to my car. She was shaking in my arms and her breathing was coming out in puffs. Her blue and yellow eyes were fighting between staying open or just surrendering to sleep.

Hopefully, sleep.

Shut the fuckup!

That voice in my head should just shut up.

My house is not that far away from hers. Only a 10 minutes drive. I place her in the passenger seat and start driving when I make sure that the seat belt is well placed.

Finally, I spot the gate to the mansion and use my fingerprint to open it. It opens and when I'm fully in, it closes again. I don't bother to park my car in the garage. I just keep it in place and get out. I'm directly greeted by Maria, my housekeeper and what would you call a nanny.

Your parents can't risk staying here for their own child. Can they? Instead, they use a nanny.

The voice in my head mocked me again but I paid it no mind.

"Archer! Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

She sounded scolding, however, when I opened the passenger door and scooped Alex in my arms her facial expression turned from scolding to worried.

"Oh, dear! What happened to her?"

I stared at Alex and her eyes are closed, but the moving of her chest tells me she's still breathing. I sigh in relief and ask Maria if she can make a soup, telling her that I will explain later. Maria, of course, didn't object. She's very nice.

I am just about to tuck Alex in one of the guests' rooms but then the sudden urge to just take her to my room is overwhelming, that I just still in my place for a few seconds. With every beat of my heart, this urge grew bigger until I changed ways and submitted to it.

What the fuck am I doing?

I entered my room and it's clean as always. Everything in place, nice and neat.

And desolate.

I placed her gently on the bed and covered her with the blanket. I went to the closet and brought her other blankets too. She was still asleep.

I stared at her face. She was pale, curled into a ball as if protecting herself from the brutality of the outside world. I didn't like it one bit. I got to my knees in front of the bed and stared at her like the creep I am.

I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.

The uneasy feeling tugged on my heart and anxiety swirled in my head.

Why? Why is the world so cruel for her? Why would she want to protect herself from it?

But then I shake my head like the stupid guy I am while brushing a lock of hair that fell into her face.

Of course, she would protect herself from it. People out there would never accept her. She's defending herself from them.


Society would chew her alive if they knew of her secret. People would shoot daggers with their deprecating eyes. They would look at her like...


Kaitlyn's words repeated in my head.

Freak. They would see her as a freak.

No matter how much we try to act that it doesn't affect us. No matter how much we try to not care. There will always be this part of us that cares. There will always be this part that cares about what people think of us. We don't want to stand out. We want to belong, to fit, to have a place.

Alex wants to belong.

A knock on the door breaks me out of my thoughts and I stand up as Maria enters the room with a bowl of soup in her hands.

"Thank you, Maria"

She smiles warmly at me and leaves the room. I place the bowl on the nightstand and decide to wake her up. If she wants to get better she needs to eat this soup.

While waking her up, a crazy thought tumbles into my mind.

I'll protect you.

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