Chapter 20

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Archer's POV

"What's going on?"

First of all, I hear screaming and heavy footsteps pounding harshly and quickly on the floor. So this is it? Are they playing chase or something?

Alex diverted her attention from Hina and then told me that she needs to talk to me in private. I noticed Hina shake in the corner of my eye, but I paid her no mind as I lead Alex back to my room. She was awfully cute wearing my over-sized clothes. As we walked through my bedroom door she turned around and locked it.


Why so quite?

What the hell did happen between those two? Before I could ask that question she leaned against the door and started talking.

"Do you trust me, Archer?"


From where did this question come from? I never really thought of it but do I trust her?

Well, technically I took her to my house and let her sleep in my room even though I know that she can kick my ass whenever she wanted. So yeah isn't that trust? I guess it is. I trust her. I trust her and it has only been what? Three days Since I met her?

So much happened in those three days.

I nodded to myself in confirmation and then remembered that Alex wants to know the answer.

"Yes. I trust you, Alex."

She stared for more as if waiting for my hesitation. As if waiting for the regret. As if waiting for me to tell her no I take it back. However, it will not happen so she can wait forever.

"I know that what I will ask next is silly. Because you can lie right through your teeth and answer me the question incorrectly, but I do hope that you will say the truth. I trust you to say the truth."


Such a small word, made of five letters. Who would have thought it could mean so much? My heart throbbed after hearing this word.

Alex trusts me.

It feels so good to know that you're not the only one willing to take the risk of trusting the person when that same person also is willing to take that risk and trust you. It feels good, nice, and content.

Trust is the key to every relationship. Whether it was a friendship or a romantic relationship. Everything is built on trust and without it, our world would crumble to pieces in front of us and we wouldn't be able to do anything.

About her words.

Lying to her?

To be honest, I don't think I can ever lie to this girl in front of me. Even if I tried to, I couldn't. One look into her eyes changed everything.

One look into your eyes, Alex.

Snapping me out of my daze was her question.

"Do you torture your maids?"


Wait, What?!

Absolutely not! I don't treat them poorly! In fact, I treat them well.

I never treated them as if they have a lower value than other people. Some people might think that:

they're maids! We pay for them! They should be thankful and kiss the ground we walk on!

However, I never thought that way. Sure they are maids but so? I don't see the problem. The job they're doing does not define them. They're humans just like everybody else. They should be treated equally well. Everyone should be treated well. Society labels people who are poor under the rich. Why do that? We're all humans. But,

Society is sick.

"No, I don't torture the maids. Although-

I was about to continue, to explain myself more. But she cut me off saying that she trusts me no need to explain.

Anyways, from where did she get the idea that I torture them. Who said that? They don't look so tortured to me.

"Archer a maid was planning on stealing your cash and running away"

She said those words so softly as a whisper. If it wasn't so quiet I would have never heard her but nonetheless, I did. And now millions of questions started circling in my head but then everything seems to connect.


Alex nodded her head silently confirming my thoughts. But why in the hell would Hina want to run away more than that steal? Their payment is well off.

On the other hand, Hina always hated this. She was forced to work because her parents are poor. So they forced the burden on her instead of working themselves and they abused her all the time.

I sighed slowly and slumped my shoulders in defeat as I sat on the bed. If my parents found it in their heart to finally come home from their oh so important business I wouldn't have to deal with this.

That stupid business that has been going for years.

Someone inside the mansion, someone that I trusted was going to rob me and leave. It would have happened all under my nose and I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for Alex.

I'm so unreliable.

Suddenly the bed next to me dipped and I could feel a light touch on my shoulder. My heart picked up its pace and my eyes closed on their own as I exhaled a deep breath. The touch started moving up and down soothingly and calmly.

And I could finally relax as if all my worries in the world just dissipated into thin air. She didn't ask questions. She didn't say anything but just from this feather-light touch, I knew she was here, right next to me, ready if I wanted anything. And for that, I have never been more grateful.

At first when I met Alex my first impression of her was cute. However, as time flows by delicately, I was getting to see a deeper side of her. Aside from that, I have a feeling she had never shown to anyone other than me. She's opening up to me and fuck I like it.

Whenever I see a new side of her I can't help but want to see more. I can't help but want to see every single side of her over and over again.

It's addicting and I'm slowly getting addicted.

It's a dangerous path to go through, and I should probably stop and turn back, but when I looked over my shoulder to thank her. Her glowing blue eyes met mine. Words got stuck in my throat and I knew it was already too late when she gave me one heart-stopping reassuring smile.

I guess I've been an addict this whole time.

But in my defense, I blame the eyes.

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