Chapter 11

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Archer's PoV

"Blake, Come on bro! Tell me what did you talk about?"

"No chance man. Fuck off, you have been nagging me since the morning. I am starting to hate sharing the same classes with you."

I think you have an idea about what is going on here. But anyway, here I am, begging Blake to tell me what the fuck did he and Alex talk about. I needed to know! However, both of them refuse to tell me shit.

We were heading off to the cafeteria, All girls were having their fair share of staring at us. We were not popular jocks. I think we were more on the bad boys' side in this high school. Well, we did earn this bad boy's reputation because of the rumors that said we participate in illegal activities. There was even this rumor that said we were part of a secret gang.

The first one about illegal stuff was true. But the second one was not.

But, they did not need to know that. Let them believe what they want tobelieve.

I groaned loudly and audibly when I realized that Blake will not tell me. And I will not ask Alex again. I made it my goal to avoid her after what happened in the closet.

The feeling of having her in my arms was so nice. I really did not want to let go. Images of her hugging me flashed in my mind and I swear I could feel the blood rush to my face.

What the hell?? No stupid blood leave my face alone!!

If you thought that I had a panic attack in the closet you thought wrong. My emotions were just out of control and all over the place. It was just overwhelming the way she made me feel. I wanted to feel it again. I want her to stay close to me.

In my arms...
Le sigh.

When we entered the cafeteria doors, all eyes were on us. Blake and I were the 'eye candy', that's what the female population in the school calls us. Which sometimes, to be honest, it still makes me shiver.

Horny bastards.

We walked to our usual 'bad boy' table that no one ever sat on except us. Trust me, we never banned students from sitting with us. They just did it themselves. They were the ones that labeled us. They were the ones that marked this table as ours. They created this bad boy image for us and wanted us to go with the flow.

Society is sick.

They never gave you the chance to be what you want to be. They just created that image for you and expected you to follow along. They expected you to be what they want you to be. And if you're not, they force you to change. They give you reasons to be what they want.

To be the monster they created.

A few minutes later, after we sat down, Kaitlyn and her friends were marching or more like strutting to us. Blake next to me groaned loudly and banged his head on the table just as they stood next to us. They all had their hands on their hips and it was just ridiculous.

"What? Did Jason finally get bored of you?"

Blake never liked Kaitlyn. He always thought she was, and I quote, 'a spoiled clingy whore that would open her legs for anything and everything with legs'.

What a lovely friend I have.

She smacked her lips together in an annoying matter and chuckled humorously. The hatred was mutual between both of them. She then answered.

"I'm not here for you, asshole".

"Watch your tongue' bitch".

She ignored Blake and turned back to me with a sickly sweet smile on her face.

"Hey Archer"

She practically purred. Seriously I'm starting to consider Blake's definition of her.

"What do you want Kaitlyn?"

She usually sat on Jason's table. But, whenever he is bored with her she comes here. She is an attention seeker after all. She wouldn't mind the attention from the jock and bad boy. But no, I'm not gonna give her what she wants. Jason might give her what she wants but I won't.

She pouted her lips and she actually looked pretty convincing. After all, she was pretty. Blonde hair with sharp blue eyes and long legs. She was your typical blonde hot cheerleader and all the school cliche. We did hook up from time to time but now that she became clingy I dumped her ass.

Not that I was going out with her. Just casual hot sex.

She squeaked and I swear the whole cafeteria heard. Her lips are still pouty and stance bitchy.

Oh hey! That rhymes.

"Oh, Archer!! Don't be mean!"

She did not look cute at all. She was more on the hot side. So, this act did not suit her at all. But if Alex did pout and-

Oh fuck. Alex would definitely look cute if she did that innocent look.

"Kaitlyn you have one second to get out of my sight before I crush you."

Blake interfered and I was thankful that he did. I could tell that he was already fed up from her bullshit and even she could tell. Besides, she was totally scared of Blake. So she backed away slowly with a spoiled 'fine' and left.

"Oh good thank you man"

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. You owe me"

Suddenly as if I have a sensor or something my green eyes found hazel ones from across the cafeteria. She was sitting all alone. When our eyes met she stared fiercely refusing to back down and I chuckled. I guess she is the type that will not back down from any challenge.

Blake looked at me as if I lost my mind. But then he looked in Alex's direction and scoffed loudly.


I asked defensively. He narrowed his eyes at me and scoffed again. However, he didn't comment. At the moment, he was the one that was having a stare-down with Alex and neither wanted to back down. I could feel the tension between those two and I did not like it one bit.

What did they talk about?

The lunch bell rang signaling the end of the break. We headed toward our next class and I couldn't help but think that they were hiding something really nasty.

Well, I guess I have to stalk someone to find out.

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