"You two! Wait a second!... Why do they always have to fight like this?" Ginta and Hakkaku said in unison before I heard footsteps coming up behind me.

"What do you want? It's clear that he's made up his mind about us traveling together." I spoke as Ginta appeared by my side. I assumed that Hakkaku went to go calm down Koga.

"Big Sis you've gotta hear me out on this one. I know Koga can be an idiot sometimes... no... all the time, but he really doesn't mean what he said to you just now! He just didn't know how to react to being in such a flustering situation and let his pride and ego get in the way of letting it go and apologizing!" Ginta exclaimed.

"How do you know that?... To me it seems like Koga really doesn't want me to be here... and who am I to go against his wishes?" I stopped walking and so did Ginta.

"Big Sis, he wants you here more than any of us. He enjoys your company and goes out of his way to see you smiling. Koga only offered to race you up that mountain because he wanted to get a laugh out of you."

"Seriously?" I asked and Ginta nodded furiously before clapping his hands together.

"Please come back and talk to Koga! I'm sure you two can settle your differences if you do! He really doesn't want you to leave, he just doesn't know how to say it!" Ginta pleases with me. I sighed before I ruffled his hair.

"As if I could say no to you. Now, let's go find Koga and get this over with." I said before Ginta tackle hugged me.

"Thank you so much Big Sis! You won't regret this, I promise!" I giggled at Ginta's behavior before getting up and walking towards where Koga went by his side. Little did we know that there as a girl standing there who had been watching this ordeal from the very beginning with a grin on her face as she changed forms, from a bush to... Koga?


While Ginta and I were walking he decided to run ahead to find Koga and the other wolves. I took that time to think over what I would say to Koga when I finally saw him again. 'Obviously he's still going to be a little angry, so what could I say to calm him down?' I thought as suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I gasped and turned to get a look at who did this to find...

"Koga? What're you-"

"Okami, I wanted to come and tell you that I'm so very sorry for what happened."

"I-It's okay, I'm sorry too, but why are you acting like this? You've never been this way with me before..."

"Because... I want to prove to you that I care. Why don't you just relax a little, get a bit of rest after using up all of your energy arguing with me, then we can talk more about this later." Koga spoke and I realized that I did feel tired.

"You're right... I think I'll just sleep it off..." I responded as my eyes started drooping, not hearing the laughter coming from Koga.


~Koga's POV~

After Hakkaku finally convinced me to go and talk to Okami I realized how silly I had been acting, how rude I was to her. I felt bad and I knew that I needed to go and fix things no matter how much it would wound my pride. Though when Ginta regrouped with us, he was without Okami. "Ginta, where's Okami?"

"She was right behind me just a second ago..."

"You left her all alone out here!? Who knows what could try and kill her out here without us knowing! We have to find her now!" I exclaimed before running off into the direction of where Ginta had come from. 'She'd better be okay...' I thought as I finally found her in my arms? There were two of me all of a sudden, and one was wrapping it's arms and now it's tongue around Okami!

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now