Fame, Drama and Freedom (6)

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Rachel was already sitting in with her arms crossed thinking about what the doctor said, the girl who was about fourteen was clearly malnourished and although the slap on her face was recent, she had no indication of being physically abused. Other than that, she was running a fever.

The man seemed to think she was the mother and blamed her for harming her child. Until she explained she was the child mother and was willing to pay for her medical bills. After paying Rachel had called her Mike saying she'll be out for a bit longer as for the driver he's taking a nap in the car.

After a while she had fallen asleep waiting for the girl to wake up. By the time she did Rachel woke up to the girl calmly observing her like she was dreaming.

"Are you awake?" She stretched she caught a glimpse outside, the sun was setting. Rachel then finally got a good look the girl and felt that she was unique and...

[Rachel this girl is the one who was reborn]

'So that's why? How old is she mentally?'


'I see' Rachel saw that the girl was still staring at her and then poked her head "Hello?" Suddenly the girl started crying. Which shocked her, as the girl abruptly sat up and hugged her tightly which. Suddenly a flash of memories flew into her mind.

'These are....'

[Should be the memories that where lost due to the rebirth. I'm still working on bringing the pieces back together. But, things are so glitchy that I can't bring them in full. In most case I can only give you flash]

'Nothing else?'

[No, your lucky to be getting anything because of the distortion]

Rachel wasn't sure what was going on, but, one look told her a story and a realm of possibilities. This girl's life was tragic filled with ups and downs. After a while the girl calmed down and just calmly looked at her eyes filled with pain, she had a look that said she missed the person in front of her.

Making her frown as she shrugged her shoulders and touched the girl's forehead "Well, your fever is down. So why won't we start with a name."

"Ummm, I'm Rang Hee-Jin" she said nervously.

"Well, Hee-Jin. Let's take you home. Do you remember which apartment it is?"

".... You don't know" The girl said in a small tone.

"Why would I, come one on" She said leading to the counter as she paid for everything and checked her out. The young girls' eyes never left as if to soak in everything. She woke up the driver who was still sleeping and was about to ask him to take her back to the complex.

"Can I stay with you" Hee-Jin said with pleading eye.

"What about your-"

"Please just for the night" She was about to cry.

'Elfin are you sure this girl is supposed to be forty, because she really is acting like a fourteen-year-old'


Rachel glanced at the driver who didn't really have any opinion on her taking an unknown little girl back with her to her hotel. It seemed that he thought it was fine especially when she saved her.

"Take us back to the hotel" Rachel said, and the girl squeezed her tightly 'My goodness she is acting like I'm here mom. Did I perhaps adopt her or something.'

Leading the girl into the hotel she did the driver goodnight and that she would see her tomorrow. Mike was in the lobby with headphones in and completely in gym cloths. He was probably waiting for so they could work out together. When he saw her he walked over but was soon surprised at her tag-along.

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