Fame, Drama and Freedom (7)

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Knock, Knock

"Ah, Just in time" Rachel said as she glanced at the door and opened it her temporary Assistant was there with a few bags. "Sorry to call you bag"

"it's okay miss Yong" The man said putting the bags by the entrance. As Rachel took some money out her wallet "Here for everything" She had given him 100 dollars in Solul currency.

"Thank you, Miss Yong, Thank You." He said bowing a few times before leaving. As Rachel clothes the door. Hee-Jin had walked up right to her with Lulo as Rachel pulled out the Kwon Bayshore Middle School uniform. She folded it and laid in on the nearby chair along with her an accompanying pair of shoes.

Rachel pulled out a pair of PJs a Bra and some underwear and handed then to her. "Here take a bath and get cleaned up." She pointed to a door. "Bathroom's right over there"

Hee-Jin nodded and didn't disobey as she walked swift putting Lulo down into the bathroom. The little kitten not in anyone hands grew nervous and ran back to Rachel crying. Smiling she picked Lulo up and brought out the books from that the girl was supposed to study from.

There were Four textbooks, but they were thin. Sitting down on the couch, she started to look through and realized that two where textbooks and the other two where workbooks. Just looking thought them made her understand, how far the curriculum was.

Some of the subjects where made fore collage students for those in the states. But this is just practically knowledge only: History, math, science, English. In this country opinion life skills are learned at home, as well as moral and ethical obligation. Ikon schools focus on everything there is a class for everything as you age more class are available to take along with the basic knowledge.

And also, a lot of thing here is filtered. Rachel leaned back it only took her fifteen minutes but, in her opinion, Ikon was the better place since it provided more options. She like's Solul, but only for visits. To live here is not for her.

Another Knock came to her door, It must be room service she had preordered.

"Come in" Rachel said to the hotel maid.

"I'm done" Hee-Jinn walked out

"Go ahead sit" The hotel maid went to place the dishes on the table. Hee-Jin looked at the table full of food everything looked so delicious. Hee-Jin started to cry, which shocked both Rachel and the maid.

The maid had finally noticed the girl malnourished condition and started to teary eyed herself. Rachel patted the girl's head "Hey, it's okay you don't need to cry like that"

"My Mom, she would always have a full table but would say I wasn't allowed more then what she gave me because everything else was for my older sister and my Dad."

Rachel and the maid watched as the girl started break down.

"Aunty" Hee-Jin grabbed Rachel shirt. "I don't want to go back, I don't want to be told I'm a wrenched girl that waste money, I don't want to be yelled at for things I didn't do, I want to dress in nice clothes, I want eat good food, I want to be praised for the good things I do, I want wear snickers that actually fit, I go to school, I want to get married, I want to have kids, I want all those things.

But Mom always said I couldn't because I'm a wrenched girl that doesn't deserve any of that."

Rachel was left in shock along with the maid could help but gasp, she looked up at the maid because she had realized that the maid was still there. "Umm, I apologies, I'll tip you later, but can you please go."

The maid nodded and left the room quickly, later she would spread rumors around the hotel what happened and what she had heard.

[Rachel, I think this girl's rebirth had something to do with you.]

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