Volume One Ends.

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Updated- February 4, 2020

Hey Guys,

This is Just a Filler Chapter. I meant to leave Blank but decided to use this portion for comments on Volume One and what you thought of it. For those of You who are still reading, Thank you.

For those of You who were reading when I first Started Writing this, I thank you as well. For Those who are Reading Both this and My other read that is Still Currently On hiatus, I still thank you.

As for Some Comments towards me, I think some had commented that the worlds she visits are too short or that I am skipping too much. In my response to that person, it suited my needs to make worlds shorter and easy.

Afterall when I first started writing all the worlds I had written about where originally short-stories. That had no connection, Mana wasn't even a character featured in them at the time. A lot of the stories I had to revise and some did not age well because of A lot of them were very old. I mean at the time of writing most of them I was going through a very edgy and rough period. 

So I had to cut some content that, and when I did I just went with the Trend of making them short and to the point. I purposely left some parts out so that your guys as the readers can put some thought into it.

Like when Rachel was Nara, she never involved herself with the story. But for the person who commented, if you are still reading my story, Thank-You for sticking with me.

On another note, For those who have been asking about epilogues and the endings for some of the worlds, I understand that you wanted resolutions. But, I left most of them unattended for the simple reason that I would rather have the reader fill in the ending.

The Endings are left ambiguous because of that reason. But, if you guys in all are honest want something more from a world just comments on which one you want to see more off. 

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