Getting a Pair Together

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Rachel walked outside of her space as she walked around Odore Garden with an Apple in her hand, she bit into the golden apple with a blank expression, 'Tomorrow is Aurora Night' she thought when she spotted Azdis his back was facing her and he seemed to be talking to someone.

As she got closer, she realized he was talking to Nancey, the newly named goddess of nature. Both seemed to be enjoying a light conversation. Her younger sister's face was slightly red and Azdis seemed to be in fluctuated.

"They have been getting closer since you have been gone" Mig said as she sneakily came from with a smug face. "Becare-"she froze the moment she saw Rachel's expression.

Rachel's eyes sparkled in excitement in wonder.

"Sis....." Mig was not sure what to make of the situation, normally when you catch your women with another man. That person would go crazy with rage, but this person is excited. Mig is not even sure what to say at this point and wondered if her older sister was mental.

Rachel Bluntly walked up to them, Nancey saw Rachel went pale and turned her face away. As Azdis looked behind him and started to sweat bullets.

"You both look close"

"Ah, no not really" Nancey broke out as her head went down.

"We were just talking" Azdis said but Rachel completely ignored him asked this not a second later.

"Do you want to date him" Rachel said to her younger sister, her eyes sparkled.

"....." Nancey was so stunned by this she almost didn't say anything, "No" she finally said with a flushed face and looked away.

"Why, not, he's got everything and he's good in bed." Rachel was trying to be as blunt as can be.

Nancey at this point completely went red and fumbled with words. Mig who was behind them wondered if her sister had a pit in her 'brain'

"Are you trying to advertise me to your sister?" Azdis was also dumbfounded, his face also somewhat flushed. He wondered if Rachel was always this blunt with her words.

Rachel glanced at Azdis and turned back to her sister "You don't want him?", at this point Azdis wondered if he was a commodity to her.

Nancey continued to fumble with her word until she ran away.

"Ah, she ran away" Rachel turned around to talk to Azdis when she noticed that he 'batman' the hell away. In order to avoid her harassment. It looks like he noticed at once what Rachel was trying to do so he bolted when Rachel wasn't paying attention.

As a result, Rachel decided to spend the next hundred years trying to get this pair together.

She sighed as they two where finally together in holy matrimony, and happy, Mig was next to her complete with an expression of disbelief and confusion. Wondering how, her sister could let her lover be with other women and happily blessed them. She wanted to cause her sister to panic but failed.

The reason why Rachel could do this easily, is simple. Her and Azdis had a friend with benefits attitude going, its just that he was a little flirtier than most. Both where in an agreement that they weren't looking for love and where okay with just being physical.

In Rachel's opinion she was helping her friend and younger sister get together because they obviously like each other in a romantic way. She did this bluntly so that neither wouldn't go for the loyalty route and use that to prevent each from being together. 

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