The Ex-Heroine, Lovely Florist (6)

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From the outside it looks delightful, beautiful and cheerful. Small stones and marble stones make up most of the building's outer structure. It's impossible to see through the large, stained glass windows, but the clapping and cheering from within can be felt outside.

As you enter the tavern through the old, hardwooden door, you're welcomed by dancing people and clapping hands. The bartender is working hard, but still manages to welcome you with a wave.

It's as charming inside as it is on the outside. Sqaured, stone beams support the upper floor and the decorational lights attached to them. The walls are completely empty, besides the lighting, most likely because customers stumble against the walls too often and would knock off anything on the walls..

The tavern itself is packed. Passing traders seem to be the primary clientele here, which is probably the best clientele for the owner. Several long tables are occupied by several smaller groups of people. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who seem to be enjoying themselves a lot, perhaps too much, if such a thing is possible. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.

Miyu and Piers sat at one of the tables eating breakfast, Miyu was here to look at some of the coral based planets here. In order to study them, Port Shire is home to them, and they are the type of plants that can't be moved or migrated inland.

So, she herself need to go out to see them. After finishing eating Piers watching as Miyu went and looked through her research notes and started to write a few things down. After a while the two left the tavern and travel down to the closer beach by the shore.

The water was crystal clear and looked purified, this is due to the coral based plants that act as filters and clean out the beach water to make this clear effect.

Piers had step up a tent like area on the sand as Miyu had went directly toward the waters. Her bare feet touched the cooling water, walking a little further in, tiny little fish swam up and nibbles her feet.

Rainbow Fish are prominent sea water fish that live close to beach area where coral often grew. The little thing feed on a type of microorganism that lives on the surface of the corals and the sometimes the skin of most mammals.

Miyu stare at them and felt the ticklish but pleasing feeling of when a small and adorable animal comes up to you. Piers soon joined and grabbed her hand, before he casted a small spell. That allowed them to go underwater without getting their clothes wet.

She let Piers pull her further into the water, Miyu was curious as this was a first-time for her. She looked curiously around at everything. When she eventually saw her target the coral-based plant and rushed over to it with Piers in tow.


Duke Retgil stood in front of the locked doors of the little store Miyu opened, along with his son. They had waited for quiet awhile, but, the store had not opened.

"Lady Jenna won't be back" said a passerby, who noticed the two nobles gazing at the store.

"Who?" Duke Retgil said frowning.

"It is the name, Veronica had taken after leaving the Duke's household" Louis whispered to his father.

"Do you know where she has gone?" Said Duke Retgil, then asked the female passerby "Or when she will be back?"

"No idea, but, actually. This store is actually being sold, altogether" the passerby said nonchalantly.

"What?!" Both Duke Retgil and Louis said shocked.

"Then what would, Lady Jenna be doing then?" Duke Retgil broke out into a sweat, thinking the worst.

"Well, from what I understand she is going to migrate to Blessed Mountain."

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