Wicked Priestess, Former Princess (2)

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When Claris opened her eyes again, she looked up into the sky she couldn't see anything due to the smoke, the flames changed color the moment her shadows touched them. A slightly terrifying smile appeared on her face.

The shocked the crowd and every witness, gasped at the black flames that seemed to have taken the shape of a legendary creature, the symbol that represented the royal family. As the flames consumed everything, into ashes, Claris used this chance to disappear making it seem like the girl the eldest princess, burned to ash.

Claris leaned against a tree her eyes had no emotion, but her face had a soft smile, she looked up at the spirit lines and shrugged her shoulders as she turned her back to the country that abandoned her.

She teleported to a clearing, using an old memory she once had. Her father had only taken her here once and he said his mother loved this place when she was younger. Often her nomadic family would come here to settle for a time and then leave. They stopped once the field became barren and decayed.

She raised her hands and closed her eyes as she concentrated on the energy, a light red glow came from them. The wind picked up and energy was flowing from all around her towards her, it was dark and looked dangerous.

Her face was light flushed as more and more poured into her. "Ah! Can't get enough" her expression would make one think she was drunk. She stops once she felt the dark energy was completely gone. Looking at her scarlet hands she waved them around the magic flowed back into the land, the grass grew and then turned into flowers.

Soon, enough the legendary field of flowers came back to life in a breathtaking manor.

"Its really beautiful" she said softly, it was just like her father the stories her father had told her, the one her mother had told him. Looking up at the sky, she disappeared again and found herself at an old decrypted church.

When she suffered through her first kidnapping as a child she was brought to this isolated place. She sat down in the front and leaned back into the only intact wooden bench. The stained glass partly broken, as the light of the sun touched dazzling the place in delightful colors.

"The World Core is somewhere in the castle" She said her eyes closed; her mind was switching between plans. Suddenly she smiled "Ah, I know....... Lalya, Atlas, Ana, Kayle please show yourselves"

In that moment, before her the space somewhat distorted and the two appeared when summoned. The two looked at Claris for a moment, they frowned and turned to each other. They where suddenly on guard.

"There is no reason to be hostile, Rachel said I could barrow you girls" Claris waved her hands trying to settle them.

"....." They both didn't say anything but nodded their heads when they calmed down. Lalya was calmer, but Atlas was somewhat worried. Kayle and Ana stared blankly at the situation.

The three arrived in a poverty-stricken town in the Ottava Kingdom that neighbors the Vermillion Empire. Claris remember that during her childhood the Kingdom has been plagued by constant civil war. Most of their lesser towns where left dead and barely much life.

Claris, Atlas and Lalya started to set up a table and makeshift stove from the carriage they brought. They looked like nuns from the outsider's point of view. Some of the residence where already staring at them in confusion.

Kayle and Ana walked off into the distance.

But soon they started to drool when the aroma, of delicious food started to make its way to them. Claris them finally stood up in front of the table. The produce that made the food was brought from the system store and can continued to be bought.

"Residence of Copper Town rejoice her Ladyship Krirra, the Goddess of Dawn has chosen this town as the starting point to build her faith. As a Celebration, we will present the residence with food and drink." Claris moved her hand in a jester to show the residence. "Please do not hesitate their plenty of food for everyone so take as much as you." Claris words where kind and soft, the residence of the poverty-stricken town wasted no time in lining up to accept the good-will of the strangers due to them starving.

How sad, this place was in this condition due to the soldiers of the kingdom raiding towns and villages. The week residence couldn't do anything as it where threatened with death.

Claris watched with Joy as they happy ate the food some coming back for seconds. Little, did they know and extra something special was add.

Atlas would glance at Claris every now and then as she kept feeding bowls of the residence of Copper Town.

"Don't look so worried" Lalya couldn't help but say as she smiled.

"But....." Atlas gave a worried expression.

"Trust in Master, Trust in the one who created Us" Lalya smiled, Atlas couldn't help but return it as she looked at Lalya eye's that weren't full of any doubt.

"Perhaps, I am thinking to much." Atlas closed her eyes as she continued to give food to the villagers.

"Here, Looked good" Kayle said as she looked at the fat piece of land. She put a construction helmet on.

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