A Price to be Paid

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Rachel got back to the space and yawned she looked at Miyu who was still sleeping peacefully her face had some color. She turned her head slightly when she noted that the portal opened. And looked at the person who appeared she sued the fountain's water and got the information about this person from the screen.

He was a young man, he looked princely, it was obvious. Then he was an entitled character; Rachel gave him an irritated look.

The young man looked at her and was taken aback by the glare and looked around confused and seemingly not understanding what's going on. As she looked at Rachel.

"Women, I demand you to-"

Smack the young man was hit to the side, by Rachel's darkness. "You should already know that you are not back in your country. You have no authority over me."

Prince Teodoro Salgado Medeiros, he comes from a world where, men where dominate. No surprise, but it was a world filled with a power known as Metra that can only be used by men. Women were powerless and considered to be just as is child-bearers.

The world is pretty like 'Some say I was Born a King's daughter'

He is the Second Prince of the Medeiros family, although less than his older brother, male lead, crown prince Lorenzo. He is the example of pride and entitlement, Afterall he had everything he wanted except for the throne.

He was jealous of his older brother and did everything he could to up show his brother, but it never went any further. That was when he saw the opportunity in the young sheltered Princess of an isolated Island nation, ruled by a woman.

His country had gone to war with the nation for its resources and had kidnapped the young princess. They thought little of the nation since it was ruled by a woman but resorted to kidnapping when they realized they weren't winning. The rest of the countries were mocking them for losing to a woman. This hurts their pride even more.

This story played out like Romeo and Juliet, but only the male lead died at the end. Now in this country, the concept of 'love' doesn't really exist.

The Male lead, Lorenzo and female lead fell in love at first sight. The male lead was told by his father to watch after the princess since she was leverage against the island nation. As a result the pair quickly formed a bond of love.

Teodoro who was always trying to upstage his older brother saw this and tried to take the young sheltered princess by force multiple times only to fail as his older brother had stopped him. Eventually, like a child, he complained to his father and his father questioned the male lead in the end punishing him and taking his title as crown prince away from him and giving it and the princess to Teodoro.

Because his oldest son had the audacity to care for the young women.

In the end a large confrontation happed leading to Teodoro to having his hand cut of from trying to violate the princess in front of him. His father seeing this didn't give any mercy as he killed his oldest son, the male lead.

The King had plenty of others son and killing one that gone astray, was fine with him.

The Princess who had seen her lover killed had gone crazy. Her powers activated and the light was coming out from her body like a blazing sun surprising everyone including the king.

Of course, the island nation ruled by women was going to be weak, the notion was filled with magic-user, not Metra users. Men had Metra and Women had magic, but because the use of Metra and Magic were different. The male gender didn't think women had any power.

So the king who was obviously pale got his calling. Turns out the princess wasn't a princess at all but the Queen and ruler of the island nation. In falling in love, at first sight, she aloud herself to get kidnapped and almost violated to pursue him.

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