Boys Over Flowers, Yep It's Real (12)

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As Rachel walked out she happened by the pool and saw that the male lead was going haywire on the furniture.

'Teenagers' Rachel shrugged her shoulders as she walked closer, when suddenly the male lead went into to full on panic mode. She looked at the little cricket that somehow made it onto the expensive boat that was well cleaned because of plot.


She then watched him fall into the water and pathetically yell 'Help', for whatever reason this idiot can't swim. She went over, she saw out of the corner of her eye that someone ran inside and took of her heels as she walked into the steps and towards the male lead.

She picked him up by his color and tried to get him to notice that he can just stand.

Didn't even fall into the deep end and is now waving his hands around. "You can stand you know." She said and then the male lead looked at her, his face went red with embarrassment and they both walked out of the pool.

Just as everyone from inside came running out, asking if the male lead was okay, Rachel disappeared.

About two days later, they had returned from the small cruise around. She went through her day normally and then went to the pool to do a few laps when she paused at all the ducks in it. She had a blank expression. Her shadows had long detected the person holding the camera, really ducks. This fool of a male lead had really put ducks in the water.

She turned around without a word and got dressed back into her uniform and walked away. While walking with her headphones in she suddenly heard the violin and sighed in her heart. She gently took out her headphones and walked towards the violin player, who was playing an emotion song.

One of Heartbreak.

Rachel stared at the F4 member who placed the violin on the bench and sit down. Snow then suddenly said it wanted to come down. She took this chance to look up at the sky, catching a glimpse at the spirit lines and then back down before she walked forward.

'It's fudging snow, and I am in a skirt. Really want to kick this creator'

She took in front of the F4 member who looked at her and then went into some internal turmoil. Rachel kneeled down in front of him and took out a band-aid. He hesitated at first but Rachel placed it on him his bleeding finger due to the snapping of the string.

Afterwards she went straight to the violin to repair it.

"It's a beautiful instrument." Rachel said lightly, the craftsmanship was indeed beautiful and something only the rich could get. "You should continue to play, Music filled with emotion is beautiful, regardless of the user so long as its true."

With that Rachel handed the violin back to him with a fully repaired string and walked away. Putting her headphones in and listening to some Beyoncé.

Your day can never go wrong with some Queen Be playing in the background.

The next day she happened to walk the same path and the male lead shows up blocking her path. She see his face filled with a bitter rage. She rolls he eyes and then tries to walk past him when he grads her wrist.

"I have something to say." He said.

"Then go ahead and talk" Rachel said looking at him dully. Is it bad that ist been this long and she still can't remember his name.

"Who do you think you..." He trailed off and then began again. "To fool with me, mess with us, the great F4."

"Who fooled whom?" Rachel rolled her eyes again. "You should let go soon, or I'll get mad."

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