Sakura in the Shadows (3)

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Rachel was holding her knees; she was in this place for quite a while. She doesn't know where she is nor what's going on and this so-called system of hers doesn't answer people. She sighed and wondered if Ise is dead the last thing she remembered is falling into the water. She closed her eyes eventually and drifted off to sleep.


A soft voice said waking up Rachel instantly, she looked up to see and sat paused at the girl in front of her.

"Ise?" Rachel said in wonderment.

The girl looked stunned at Rachel before asking "Umm, how do you know my name?" she asked guarded.

Rachel looked down before back up after thinking for a moment "I'm Rachel, this would be our first meeting face to face.........How do I explain this" Rachel put her hands together nervously "I died a long time ago and then I ended up in....inside you, you could say"

"Huh?" Ise frowned confused.

"I have been with you since...Your father perished....I think I am here to help you." Rachel said nervously and pulling her hands to her side.

"...." Ise was in thought for a moment, she looked like she didn't completely understand either. After a while she gave up and asked, "Do you know where we are?"

Rachel shocks her and before she was about to say anything the darkness changed into something foreign to Ise but familiar to Rachel.

"I love you, Rachel," The handsome boy said to a younger Rachel "I have been ever since we were kids"

"Is that you?" Ise asked Rachel who stood up in shock while tears threatened. Ise had a flushed face, it was the first time she had seen someone so passionate in confessing to someone.

Rachel looked at Ise. "Yes, when I was still alive" Ise pulled a sad expression.

"What about Wendy, Kevin. You know you can't do this to her" Rachel's voice broke.

"I already broke up with her" Kevin said gritting his teeth.

"What?!" Rachel said in shock.

"Rachel, I was only with her because she threatened......." Kevin trailed off.

"Kevin.... Wendy's father employees your father and my stepfather. One complaint from her and you will send all of us both to hell."

"SCREW IT!" Kevin yelled, making Rachel jump in shock "Why do I have to be with someone like her, why do I have to spend another day with that b**** as she treats you like dirt." His face looked seriously pained "Rachel, I couldn't do this anymore"

"Kevin, my fam-"

"The b*****, who likes to touch you and the women who allows it. Since when where they your family"

Rachel's face grew pale.

"Thought I didn't Know....I knew, I knew all these god damn years and couldn't do a thing about it." Kevin looked down and then back "Rachel, I loved you to much to continue this farce."

"Kevin, I-"

"Well, Well, looks like you where right Wendy" a vulgar and twisted voice said. Catching both their attentions. Kevin moved in front of Rachel as if to protect her.

Wendy with teary eyes hid behind a young man accompanied by a group of people.

"I can't believe you Rachel, how can you steal your friends' man." A tanned skin girl yelled at Rachel.

"Aisha, that's not I- "

"Don't you try to make excuses" said the person named Aisha.

"You cheating pair, just look at Wendy she is so heart-broken. Kevin, Rachel how could you do this. IS it really because you wanted to steal money from Wendy's family?" said another female.

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