Flight Witches (4)

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"It is a pleasure to Meet you all, I am Izuhara Miyu" Rachel introduced in front of the board.

"As of Today, SGT Izuhara will be joining us" Major Furukawa said.

Rachel looked onto the faces of the other witches, all of them look like the characters from the anime. Perhaps it would be better saying she is in the alternate dimension of the anime.

"Well, I'll leave you, play nice" Major Furukawa said as she left with Wing Commander Minna Dietlinde Wilcke, who's smiled and waved at her before leaving with the Major. She had met the reddish hair beauty earlier. Rachel had hoisted the M9 pistol from her on her hip. It seems that the Commanders name didn't deviate from the original, how odd.

'I Wonder if its just Major's name that was changed.' Rachel's attention was then caught by the blonde har girl who abruptly stood up with a whole attitude and left with greeting her. 'That was Perrine, well, she was a brat even in the anime series.'

Rachel thought when she suddenly felt someone behind her, she quickly grabbed the person hands that where approaching her. "Ummm, just what are you trying to do?"

"Heheh" The young girl with pigtails pulled of a smug face before.

"Your name?" Rachel continued.

"Its Francesca" The girl said disappointed.

Rachel smiled as 'There is no way in hell, that I'm going to be dragged into your fanservice' she thought. "If you are wondering what my chest size is its D" Rachel giggled as she let the little girls' hands go.

"How so you the same size and me and Lyn" Said the orange haired girl. "I'm Charlotte, but call me 'Shirley', okay" she said.

"Of course," Rachel said as she was dodging the midgit trying to touch her.

"Eila" said another young girl who was holding another sleepy girl. "And this here is Sonya, she works the nights, so she is a tad bit sleepy."

"Well, it will be a pleasure working with you both" Rachel said as she palmed Fancesca face as the last straw. She waved at the two who left the room not long after.

"I'm Lynette Bishop" Said the dirty blonde girl her hair braided back, she looked shy and stand offish.

"I am pleased to meet you as well, Miss Lyn" Rachel said before lighting up "AH! Major Sa, ahem" Rachel coughed as she was about to call the Major by another name. "Major Furukawa had said we begin training this afternoon, after you've shown me around the base. If you'd like we can get started now."

"Ahh, that-"

Rachel let go of Francesca head, apparently the girl had so much momentum that she fell the moment Rachel left her go, leaving her grabbing the back of the girls shirt to keep her from falling on her face.

"Oh yeah? Miyu" said Shirley suddenly "Are you always going to dress like that?"

Shirley said commenting on Rachel conservative outfit.

"These parts rarely get cold, soooo"

"I'll be fine" Rachel smiled as she let go of Francesca shift when the girl found her ground and stood up on her own. She then ran over to Shirley and embraced before rubbing her small face into....

Rachel turned her face away "Shall we go"

"Ah, Yes

Rachel had been showing Rachel around the base, the quiet girl in the anime was very good friend with Yoshika but sadly that person for some reason has been excluded. The rest of the witches here are pretty much similar to their anime counterparts.

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