Fantasy Guild's Receptionist (1)

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"Welcome..." Rachel responded unenthusiastically as she brushed her white, till It was shiny smooth. A party of four and asked a few questions before they left. Rachel had been enamored with herself since the moment she learned she was a beast race.

The guildhall was slightly emptier than normal guild, but this was normal since it was far from the main territory and close to the beast's continent.

Xiaute Aya, was a former Beast general now retired. She is of the demon beast race fox, she herself is a rare nine-tailed fox.

This world isn't like normal fantasy world, the human race doesn't exist in this world. Since that is the case this world is dominated by other races like, elves, dwarfs, beast. Demon do exist here, but they are low in intelligence and are very odd-looking for demons. Seriously you would be disappointed, you could take them as the Snow Elves in Skyrim but paint their skin red. That is what they really look like.

This world doesn't normally have war among the races and is quite peaceful. Although there is discrimination and bad blood between the races it has never resulted in a full-scale war. But that doesn't mean competition between races doesn't happen.

Rachel glanced at the girl next to her, she is the only human in this world and the female lead of this world. Originally Rachel, had planned to stay away from the story of this world when she first came here. Afterall Aya was a shard of her own soul, but, after meeting the female lead herself she decided to stay.

Reason, Krirra and Migneas are the daughters of Ivorr, the god of Love. Taking into the fact that the man hasn't been a factor in the twin's lives since they were born. Not only is he a lousy father but a lusty horn dog, that is dropping child every now and then. Their father always had a taste for human women and usually would never mess around in Odore Garden. The exception being the mother of the twins.

The female lead who is said to be an orphan in the story is actually one of the children Ivorr had while messing around in the lower worlds.

Could Rachel just leave her alone, nope, morally as this girl's older sister she couldn't. Secondly, this girl has a Mary Sue gifted naturally from being a child of the god of Love. Rachel has it to and so does Migneas, though both are two digested to use it.

She stood up "Do you want some tea?"

"Umm, AH! Yes, I would like some" Nancy said while talking with one of the adventurer's and putting his name down for the commission. Going to the back she brought out a tea set and started making Earl Gray.

By the time she Walked out she saw that the Guild Master had walked down and was talking to her sister. The guild Master was the male lead of this story, so of course he's quite handsome.

In the story, Nancy had transported here abruptly and was alone in the woods when the guild master who was doing a mission requested by his cousin the King. He was with his twin sister and best friend and plus at the time he had just broken things off with his childhood sweetheart.

So, she came at the right time, plus, she was unique, and her feature are eye catching. Being that she is the only human currently in this world. She places a cup in front of Nancy.

"Thank you" she stammered.

Rachel was uncomfortable with the male lead, the two are at the point where the affections are one-sided, on the male lead side that is. Nancy had already rejected the male lead already, but he is still pursuing her.

Rachel opened her book and started reading as she ignored the conversation, Nancy had finally brushed the male lead off and sighed in relief when he walked back upstairs. She then looked at Aya "Ummm, Aya, how about we go out shopping tomorrow. Since its our day off."

"Sure" Looking up at the girl, the male lead wasn't Nancy's type in the first place. So, of course she wouldn't like his pursuit of her. But, at the same time felt like she shouldn't reject him because he was one of her saviors.

Nancy face was brightened up immediately.

"Excuse me" said an adventurer as he walked up with a commission from the board.

"Yes" Rachel said as she took the paper and started the process of handing the quest to the young man.

Rachel walked out the guild's Inn as Nancy linked arms with her in excitement. The two lived in a somewhat small house not far from the guild. This was because in the beginning, there was a language barrier. Nancy did not know the language of the people, so she had a hard time, Rachel was her teacher and the only one who could communicate with her so she ended up staying with her.

Once inside the small house, everything was decorated beautiful and not in the noble's way but in a classic modern girl style. Nancy's hobby was making clothes, she was an excellent sewer and Rachel who also happened to be good at it easier earned the girl's trust.

Looking at the pure night sky with bright stars beautifully shining, she sighed as the cracks in the sky was just barley about to show.

This world was abandoned by its creator, despite being a magical world it was already showing decay.

Magical, Martial or Cultivation Worlds or worlds in general that use energy not of nature don't problems with cracks and breakdown. This is due to the unnatural energy floating around keeping the world restored and in perfect condition, even if the creator has left.

But this world, despite its magical properties was breaking down, this is a rare phenomenon. You may think this is a bad thing but in truth it was a good thing. This world was infancy when it was abandoned and since it didn't suffer a break down the world itself has been on a loop that keeps recurring. it became a research planet by leaders of the task taker departments. Using this world to study time flow allowing them to enter world at convenient times.

As for why it's a problem is because that means all the souls here are stuck in the time loop until it collapses. Well, all except Blessed

Nancy was a female lead that should never have come here the story was never started nor dictated. Plus, with her being a blessed it becomes a terrible coincidence. If a Blessed is stuck here when the world collapse's completely they would will be obliterated.

Rachel glanced at her younger Sister's door and drank her hot chocolate. Her sharp gaze disappeared as she saw her tail move erratically. She squeezed It, Love 'in its softness. 

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