Chapter 63: Reunion

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They were lying on the soft moss, still naked. He gazed at the trees which covered the sky, a few rays of sunlight basking his face. They had spent the night, making love till exhaustion. Here. In the clearing. One with nature. So primal. So spectacular. 

She nuzzled his neck, softly asking, "A penny for your thoughts?" 

He smiled slowly, stroking her hair, "I'm feeling blessed to have you in my life. Will you marry me, my love?" 

She teased, running her hand down his chest, "Mmm, I'll think about it." 

He gazed at her, arching an inquisitive eyebrow, asking again, more firmly this time, "Will you marry me, Sierra?" 

"I do...wait, I mean, yes!" 

He laughed as she blushed. "That's more like it. Let's head back, my love. The others must be grieving you right now."

"Grieving? Oh God, you never told me they also thought I was dead." 

He just shook his head, "After that stunt you pulled..." 

She disentangled herself from him, carefully stood and walked to the side of the lake where she gently picked up the purple stone. It was still glowing but with less intensity. She closed her eyes, feeling the tingles of power running through her again. 

It has provided them light all night, protected them from the cold, the they had been lost in passion. She didn't think James realized it even for once. 

She focused, letting it guide her. She saw what she needed to see. A devastated Ileana. Her broken-hearted parents. Jace, filled with guilt and remorse. Mason, blaming himself. Veronica, shaken. A tear escaped her eyes as she felt their pain. 

"Sierra? Are you alright?" 

James touched her shoulder, breaking her trail of vivid images. He suddenly held her wrist, shaking her, afraid that she'd hurt herself again, "Let go of that damn thing!" 

She clutched her fingers tighter around it, "I'm here! I'm alright. I just...I need to keep it. Stay here. I'll be right back in a minute." Against his wish, he found himself releasing her, his hand shaking as he tried to fight against this invisible force.

She stepped into the lake and at that touch, she winced. Absolutely freezing. 

"Sierra! Wait. Don't go, damn it."

She smoothly walked in, giving him a reassuring look, "It's alright." She dived in then.

He instantly followed suit, frustratingly calling out for her as she disappeared. When he himself plunged, he could see nothing but that stupid purple glow in the water. It felt as if the weight of the water was crushing him from all sides and he was compelled to pull his head out, breathing in sharply as he felt the stung in his lungs.

He was about to call for her when she emerged just seconds later. She gazed at him, a little worried, "Idiot. I was just keeping the stone safely." He pulled her in his arms so strongly and hoarsely said, clearing his throat, "Damn it, Sierra. You have to stop scaring me like that." 

He kissed her so roughly, surprising her before he pressed his forehead to hers, asking, a little bit perplexed, "What the hell is that thing anyway?" 

She caught her breath, "Forget about it. No one else will find this lake apart from me now."

She stepped out of the water and his eyes gleamed with delight as he watched the droplets run down her naked body. "And me as well." 

She laughed, picking up her bra and wearing it as he proceeded to wear his own clothes as well. They were scattered everywhere. "No, James. Not even you. The moment you step out of this forest, you'll never be able to get in again." 

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