Chapter 13: Reasons

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Torres's Villa

Later that night, the family doctor examined her, listening to her heart beats with his stethoscope and then concluded after checking up her vitals, "Stress is the cause. Something has been troubling her emotionally and it was simply too much for her to handle and process. She got a mild fever too but I'll not recommend any medicine for now. Some rest and she'll be fine." 

James saw the doctor to the door and returned to the bedside to watch her. He damped a white towel in cold water, squeezed it tight and placed the compress lightly over her forehead. He pressed his warm hand over her cheek and she shifted slightly, raising her own hand to hold him. It just felt right. 

He quietly called out to her, "Hey, how you feeling?" She opened her eyes slowly and stared at him for a good moment as she heard his voice. That felt like a dream she once had. The silhouette of a man looking over her, comforting her. 

She took off the compress and sat upright, gradually recalling what happened. She sighed heavily, not knowing what to really say and she opted for the easiest thing, regretting her impulsiveness, "I'm sorry for the trouble." 

She became alerted of her surrounding, not familiar with the setting. He found her looking a bit lost, "It's alright. You're at my place." 

"What? Have you lost your mind?! Why did you bring me here?" 

He crossly said as he remarked, "Here you go again, becoming too excited over nothing." 

She was having a mild headache since she awoke and she pointed towards the glass of water on the bedside cupboard, her throat quite sore. He handed it to her and she took it from him and drank it quickly. It was refreshing. She needed this. She should have never gone to see him at his office.

She politely said, "Thank you for your kind hospitality, Mr Torres. I really appreciate your unrequested help but... I should probably go." She couldn't look at him in the eyes. Not after all she spoke to him.

So many formalities; seemed this woman was still under the shock. "One more word about leaving and I'll lock you up. It's late and you should get some rest." And even now, he had the desire to resume where they had left. A kiss wasn't enough to cure the ache in his body. He could still feel her exquisite taste, the pressure of her mouth moving roughly against his and he just wanted to explore her so bad.

She insisted, "My girl is all alone there! You don't get to decide for me." She was about to get up when the door opened smoothly and Jace walked in at that moment, followed by Ileana who simply ran to her and hugged her tightly, tears on the brink of her eyes. "Sierra! God, I was so freaking scared! What happened?!" 

Surprised she came, Sierra embraced her tightly, caressing her hair for a minute, reassuring her. She tried to smile, "Geez, there's nothing to worry about." 

Ileana scolded, "You're so careless." She felt grateful that she was alright. She then turned to James, "Thanks a lot, sir...for taking care of that irresponsible woman... She's lucky you were there." 

He laughed softly, "Of course she is... Though she's more furious than grateful." Sierra narrowed her eyes, not liking his remark.

James observed that they seemed to be pretty close. He at first thought that the girl was her younger sister but Jace corrected him about it and now he was curious to know about that part of her life. Why was her niece living with her?

Jace looked at his dad momentarily. He was casually standing there, looking a little bothered. It was unusual of him to bring a woman in the house. Last time his secretary fell ill, however close and professional their relationship was, she was taken to the nearby clinic... So why was the treatment different for Sierra Danvers? 

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