Chapter 22: The Broker

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PAWS Animal Shelter, 16:35

Ileana whispered, "Oh my God, this is so precious!"  

Gisele, one of the pet groomers waved her brush at the Saint-Bernard who had six small kittens cosily sleeping against it. "They've been like that since this morning and Bella isn't letting me close at all. Look at how messy her fur is."

The dog growled protectively as the groomer approached her territory again. She threw her hands up in defeat and grumbled, "Alright girl. I get it. You don't love me." 

She turned to Ileana and tossed the brush at her, "Maybe you can get something done. She's used to you."

Ileana grimaced as she quickly caught the tool, "I'm sure that was meant for Sierra but okay..." "You're a saviour. I'll be at the rabbits' lair if ever you need me." 


Ileana bent on her knees so that she was eye level to Bella and softly said, "Hey girl..." She raised her hand slowly and the dog brought its muzzle close to her and then licked her fingers. "That tickles. Okay now let me brush your hair. I won't touch your babies!" 

She stroked her soft fur, patted her head and began brushing her coat. The kittens looked so cute cooed against her. It was as if she adopted them. She wanted one for herself since so long but she had never really dared to ask Sierra about it. 

Her weekend would have been spent on reading books and watching movies if her aunt had never shown her this place. The latter often volunteered here when she was without a job. 

Midway, she took out her phone to snap a quick selfie and right after, she typed a message: Come fetch me please? I'm at Paws!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

She had ample time to think about it at home and she made up her mind. Yes, that was the thing to do. James wasn't giving her much of a choice anyway and she didn't care anymore. 

She pushed pass the door, the tinkling of a bell announcing her entrance. An old man wearing thin glasses was speedily typing on a calculator behind a counter, a long receipt in his hand. He briefly glanced up at her before returning to his work and smiled, "Sierra! Looking pretty, dear. What did you bring me today?" 

"Hi Tobias." She carefully unfolded her hand to reveal the ring and the man's tired eyes widened in sudden excitement. "Goodness! Been a damn good while since I saw one of this kind..." 

She watched, a little perplexed as he wore his intricate lenses on his right eye, holding the ring right beneath the device. It was quite rare that Tobias expressed this much interest and enthusiasm in things. This man has literally seen all kinds of gems. She wondered if he was not exaggerating his reaction. 

He studied it for a good moment and she broke in, worried to see he was shaking, "Are you okay? ...Tobias?" 

She hesitantly held his shoulder and he instantly put down his device and said, "So beautiful. So authentic. Literally crafted from the hands of several experts. Very magnificent. Girl, you don't recognise the value, do you?" 

Sierra shrugged, "Well, I know I can get at least $ 25000 with it." 

Tobias broke into a sarcastic hearty laugh and she was puzzled now. "Oh you ignorant little girl. It's made with two of the finest tanzanite gems I have ever seen and beautified by the extremely rare blue diamond." 

She drummed her fingers impatiently on the counter, not wanting to hear another of his long lessons on those precious stones, "Can you sell it for me fast? Like...fetch me a good price?" He was the only broker she trusted...and the only one she knew for all it mattered. 

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