Chapter 46: Stalkers

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Jace was sitting on a hospital bed with his jersey off. After the nurse had cleaned his wound, she brought out a needle and a thread. He felt a sudden discomfort. 

He looked at Sierra who was leaning against the door with her arms crossed. She instantly gave him a reassuring smile but hell, that wasn't what he needed right now. The area on his shoulder was numb and he didn't even know when the nurse began her work. 

That woman seemed to be great friends with his teacher. He found it horrific to watch as the needle pass through his skin again and again, sealing his wound slowly. 

Sierra said, approaching him, "Best you don't put any pressure on your arm." 

He grumbled, "But what about my match!? I have to be there for my team. I'm the captain!" 

Veronica tsked, moving away to fetch a roll of bandage, "Strenuous activities is not recommended at the moment. You might break your stitches and open the wound again. You definitely need to let your arm rest for at least three or four days." 

Jace felt frustrated and disappointed. Sierra could see that and she comforted him, "You'll have plenty of opportunities to play with your friends later, Jace." 


He looked so dejected. She lightly pressed her hand against his face, making him look at her and said, "I'm sure your friends will understand, champ. You're not letting anyone down." 

He felt lost in her warm eyes for a moment. He reddened slightly, nodding at her, acknowledging what she just told him. This woman was so different from his mother. 

He remembered once when he was ten, he had fell down and bruised his knee while playing. His mom who was over the phone had seen him but had turned her back on him to focus on her conversation. Sierra, on the other hand, had run to him to see what was wrong. Did she genuinely care for him or was it just because of his father? 

She stepped back and let Veronica roll the bandage around his arm, "I'll just check on Mason, Vee. What's his room?" 

"7B! I think you both have a lot to talk." 

She gave her a hesitant look before nodding and walking out, "Just call me when you're done." 

Jace watched her go. She was definitely an amazing woman. No wonder his dad saw something in her. 

"So, how did you hurt yourself like this?" 

He sarcastically said, "I saved a girl who was playing a pirate captain as she was tossed overboard when the ship's mat broke and fell on me." 

Veronica thought he was joking and played along, "What a hero... I think you landed yourself a date." 

He proudly said, as if it was nothing, "I've already been on several dates with her. She's a hot chick and entertains me a lot." 

She grimaced, wondering how much truth he was speaking, "Is that so?" 

"Hell yeah. If only my teacher knew how bad I was, hahaha...she'd kill me! I sneaked her girl out of the house, took her to discotheques, to arcade video games. Even to the beach when we were supposed to be at school. Had a whole lotta fun!" 

Veronica gazed at him curiously, half listening, more focused on her task. He was a troublemaker. That she was certain. 

She secured the bandage and stepped back to take another look at the stitched wound on his shoulder, "Skipping schools often, eh?" 

He acquiesced instantly, not the least ashamed to hide that fact. He suddenly noticed her name imprinted on her white coat when she distanced herself to take off her transparent gloves to toss them to the nearby dustbin. "Wait you're also a Danvers?" 

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