Chapter 23: Props

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Monday, 08:00

When James arrived at his office, he was quite perplexed not to see his secretary at her desk. She was usually punctual and would always inform him whenever she was running late. 

The automatic doors slid open again to reveal her, looking a little bit dishevelled. He questioned, "Are you okay?" 

"No...I mean, yes." 

He arched a questioning eyebrow at her and she sighed, "My three-year-old made a really big mess in the kitchen this morning...and she kept me awake the whole night. Something about a monster. Please let's not talk about this." 

He nodded, hiding a smile at just imagining the scene, "Of course. Treat yourself to some coffee and mail that urgently to Sierra Danvers. You'll find her address in the employee's database. She's a maths teacher at Torres high school." 

She took the sealed corporate envelope and dutifully said, "I'm on it." 

He suggested, "Have some coffee first, Hannah." 

"Of course, sir." 

He shook his head, knowing she'd probably do the task first than care for her health.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Ileana scrutinised the school club leaflet in her hand. Even though she only arrived here on the third semester, she was required to join one of the clubs. 

Supposedly, everyone had to become a member of at least one club and contribute to something. And her two friends were literally not helping her at all as they were watching the boys play basketball in the court. She was having a hard time to decide. 

These clubs seemed really good and it was a pity she had to devote her time only to one of them. Seemingly Nelly was in the Computer Geek club which involved lots of game stuffs and programming which she wasn't that good at and Charlotte was in the Fashion Club and fashion was not really her thing. She already read a lot of stories at home, so she'd pass on the book club.

She caught sight of Charlotte, sneakily taking a few pics of Jace as he powerfully leapt and scored another basket. He hung on the high basket's metal edge for a few seconds before letting go, a proud smirk on his face as his teammates made high fives and bro fists with him.

The cheerleaders who were practicing acrobatics in a corner cheered for him and she saw Quincy openly blowing a kiss at Jace. He just grinned at her. Ugh. She didn't think she wanted to see this. Ileana strongly asked, trying to focus, "Is the drama club any good?" 

When her question was met with silence, she poked the two of them, "Hey guys! Hello?" 

"Oh shoot, you were saying?" 

"I'm thinking of joining the drama club." 

Nelly explained, trying to give a constructive review, "It's pretty time got a lot of stuff to do in there. They kind of stress me out. The team's pretty good though. See that cool boy with black hair near Steve? He's also in there." 

Ileana watched Sam, sitting on a bench and drinking lots of water and she exclaimed, "Really?! Oh, that's great... I won't be alone!" 

Charlotte teased, "You also get to work with the handsome Mr Stone. He's in charge there! Ahhh, he's just awesome!" 

"I'm going to talk to him!" She stood and excitingly sped away. Her previous school did not have that much stuff and here, it seemed the students could pursue literally whatever they were passionate about. Music. Dance. Writing. Sports. Not that she was passionate about drama but, why not give it a go? It would be something completely new to her.

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