Chapter 5: Intense Match

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Ileana was keeping her books in the locker she was for the first time using. 

"Hey, we can show you around if you like." She turned to her new acquaintances, Nelly and Charlotte. They spoke to her this morning and they were friendlier than she expected. Charlotte gleamed, caressing the end of her blonde hair, "Do you even know who that gorgeous inspector was?" 

Ileana smiled knowingly, "James Torres. Listed in the top ten richest and most successful CEOs by Forbes. He owns the best educational and healthcare institutions around the world. He's self-driven, committed, passionate and absolutely a good leader. I can go on but I'll stop here!" 

Nelly coughed, "What the hell? How do you even know all that?" 

Ileana blushed, "It's not my fault. He's all over the news and the net all the time. He's my kind of celebrity." 

Charlotte was still dazzled, "Wow... so you're a hardcore fan?" 

Ileana bit her lips, feeling uncomfortable now, "Nah. Haha. It's just... I always wanted to attend one of these high schools." 

Nelly chuckled, "Then, here you are! It's rather odd that you transferred at this time though."

She just felt lucky she stumbled upon these two. She was happy they were so approachable. It was easy to befriend them and they just wanted to make her feel at ease as she was new here. 

The cheerleading group passed behind them, laughing loudly and Charlotte exclaimed as it struck her, "Oh God, Nel...we have to get the best seats!" Nelly was suddenly agitated. She clasped both their hands and dragged them, "Shoot, shoot, shoot! I totally forgot about that!" 

Ileana was a bit awed at how aggressively energetic Nelly suddenly became, "Eh, what's it all about?" 

"The damn match, girl! It's gonna be crowded today!" They dragged her to the gymnasium. It was spectacularly packed. What was happening? Why was everyone here? She felt a rush of excitement within her!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Back at the staffroom, Sierra used the coffee machine and waited for it. It wasn't pouring down anything. She really wanted one right now. That conversation with James Torres turned out to be pretty bad. What did she think she was doing when she told him about Jace's impulsive behavior? She could see on his face that he wasn't that pleased with her.

Henry Stone, the literature teacher she met yesterday approached her with a sweet smile and asked, "It's fried again? When that baby isn't crying, you just give her a tight slap." He banged his fist on the coffee machine and the coffee dropped magically in her cup, leaving a little foam too in the process. 

"Oh wow. Thanks!" Sierra lifted her cup and drank it slowly, savoring the drops. She smiled at him and asked, "What's up?" 

"The ceiling?" 

She laughed, "No, how are you?" 

He waved, "Ah, I'm always bloody fit and fine." 

The philosophy teacher shot from behind his table as he overheard him, "Is that why you refused to join in the match?" 

"You shut up, Arnold." 

The man in his late forties mocked, "Quit flirting with the lady, Henry. She's smart." 

Sierra giggled, "Wait. What match?" Arnold answered in a disinterested tone, "Just a mediocre semester Teachers versus Students basketball play." 

Her eyes lit up in curiosity, "Oh I want to see that." 

"Ah forget these creatures, Sierra. Let's go and watch the real men." The French teacher with her strong American accent commented as she hooked her arm around hers and started to drag her away. 

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