| XXIII | The Reason Why

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*No POV*

"Y- You need to explain yourself. Is this where you've been this entire time...? And before the tournament even started?" Cole questioned with widened eyes. "You're completely loyal to Chen?"

"I... not completely loyal..." Red sighed, running a hand through his hair. "If Clouse finds out I stopped his snake... please, allow me to explain."

Zane walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder and smiling softly. "Of course, friend. And it's good to see you as well."

"Dude, Scarlett's been obsessed with you ever since we came to the island. There's no way I can tell her now, but..." Cole sighed, placing a hand on his hip. "Since you've kept quiet this long, I'm sure you never intended for any of us to know."

"That is correct. I apologize for betraying you all... I was practically forced into working under Chen due to his threats," Red began to explain as he walked down the hall, the two ninja following behind him.

"Of course he threatened you... that scum." Cole scowled.

"When did he make these threats to you?" Zane asked. "And what were they?"

"Long story short... it was only two months after we had assumed Zane was dead. And he used all of you against me."


Now standing before the door of the cells, Red sighed and crossed his arms, leaning on the stone wall. Behind the door was the long hallway leading to the factory, where the guards were. He didn't want to send them just yet, as they were supposedly attacked by Clouse's snake—he probably ordered them to be killed.

"Chen said that all would be explained upon my arrival to the island. I was sworn to secrecy—and if I refused him, you all would have been hurt. Looking back on it now... I was an idiot. I was reckless, and all of us were hurting from the supposed death of our friend, I could not just allow him to do as he pleased. So I came."

"I had rebuilt myself... but PIXAL and I were taken by that thief," Zane said with a frown. "Had I been able to reveal myself sooner, I would have."

"So Zane was our bait to coming here... and we were yours," Cole repeated to himself. Running a hand through his hair, he then said, "Just a wild guess... but do you know anything about the spell?"

"Unfortunately, I do. That is the reason why Chen needed me on this island—he wanted to do whatever he could, even make threats he could not make good on," Red answered. "There could have been another way around this... yet I did not make the right choice."

Cole shook his head. "But it's clear you're only playing along, yeah? From everything you've done until now..."

"More or less—I must stay on Chen's good side in order to stop his plans." Red had an annoyed expression, running a hand through his own red curls again. "However, that has proven to be more difficult than I expected. Despite always pairing up, Clouse and I have many quarrels—he is completely devoted to Chen and aware I am not."

"If Chen were to get rid of you, he wouldn't be able to complete the spell. Is that correct?" Zane placed a finger on his chin in thought. "That is why no matter how many times you've gone against him, you are still here."


"So... mind telling us what the hell it's about? The spell," Cole spoke, scratching the side of his head. "The other guys and I found Chen using his staff the first time, when he stole Karloff's powers. Why does he want all of ours?"

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