| X | Versus

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*No POV*

Scarlett stood in front of the bracket board, staring at all the matches. There was an empty slot, where Karloff's card used to be.

She saw Turner's card first, seeing him against the Master of Gravity. Neuro was going against the Master of Nature.

Which left Ash against Kai.

"Huh, looks like they were right about their opponents..." she mumbled.

She was going to try and find her card, but a voice stopped her. "You caught up."

When Scarlett turned around, she found Ash's hand on her shoulder, smiling down at her. "I figured I'd find you here, considering I'm the one fighting your ex."

"Yeah... him and I are cool now, I think." She rubbed the side of her arm. "At least now, we're one step closer to being a team again."

"Good for you." Ash nodded, his eyes once again on the board. "I know Turner and Neuro are winning their fights—but you know that fire ninja better than any of us."

"I'm not giving you any information on how to beat him, just like I'm not giving him any information on you," she warned, looking up at him. "This should be a fair fight."

"Understandable." The smoke master looked at her card specifically, seeing the opponent next to her. "Master of Poison, huh?"

"I guess so. I hope she doesn't poison me to death or anything."

He laughed at her joke, crossing his arms. "Cute. You're gonna do fine."

"And you will, too." Scarlett smiled up at him, tucking her hands behind her back.

The two smiled at each other before other Elemental Masters entered the room. Turner was the first to call out, "Looks like you made it."

"Just watching the cards," Scarlett told him. "Well, the battles are starting soon, aren't they?"

"Then perhaps we should get going." Neuro nodded, waving the two over.

"Yeah, Turner's fighting first! I want good seats." Camille grinned wide.

And then the group left the room, going to the first arena.

"Come, let's sit over here!" Camille pat the seat next to her, Scarlett sitting down. Neuro and Ash sat behind them, the smoke master resting his elbows on Camille's head.

"How do you feel about this match?" Neuro asked Scarlett, seeing the arena.

The sky was bright, a large cherry blossom tree in the center. The two masters of speed and gravity stood in front of it, waiting to begin.

"The arena is real pretty... but about the match? Turner's got this," Scarlett answered, tilting her head back and looking up at the mind master with a smile. "And your match will be just as easy."

"It's Ash's you worry about."

"You're the Master of the Mind... nothing gets past you."

Neuro leaned back in his seat, chuckling. "You're correct. But we can talk later... and cheer now."

Chen then arrived with Clouse and Red on both his sides. Once again, Scarlett looked up and couldn't tear her gaze away from her brother—which she had no idea.

Once he sat down in his throne-like seat, he clapped as well and began the introductions. "Turner, Master of Speed versus Gravis, Master of Gravity..." And without another second wasted, he shouted, "Fight!"

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