The Mullick's

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Isha headed for the dining-room with a beating heart. Although never shy, the fateful incident has made her wary of strangers. The laughter and light-hearted banter comming out of the room reassured her somewhat. Runa herself admits that the men of the family are intimidating, but have the greates heart in the world. The women however were another story. Although the part of the family that hails from the city had breed strong-willed, independent women, the village-bred ladies were much reserved and bound in traditions. A new-commer will be judged and examined closely before they welcome her in the fold. Runa was confident, Isha will win everybody's hearts. Isha however, was not so sure.

The dinning room was a big room where the children and the men were already seated on special floor mats and the ladies were serving the food. Conversation stopped as they entered. Isha recognised Runa's father seated at the other end of the room.

Runa's father introduced Isha to the rest of the family.

"This is the girl who kept my daughter in-line in Kolkata. She is one of the most respectable girls I have ever met in my life".

The rest of the family jovially greeted her and then resumed their dinner-conversation.

Mr.Mullicks words were like a balm to Isha's heart. Ridiculed by all those who lover her, such great praise from Runa's dad brought tears to her eyes. Yet Isha was too strong to cry in public. Never once in the last two years had she shedded a single tear. The tears cam at nights, when she counted the stars before falling asleep. At that point the stars seemed more near to her than her loved ones who surrounded her.

Sensing her unease, Runa led her to the veranda adjoinig the kitchen. Here the younger girls, who could not wait till the men finished their dinner, were eating their dinner.  Isha introduced herself to the other girls sitting there. Rina and Dipa were teenagers who attented the local school. Krishna was out of school, and had plenty of time in her hands, if the tons of village gossip she unloaded is anything to go by. But she was amusing enought to lighten the mood with hilarious anecdotes of how the villagers conducted their daily affairs. Today's topic was the Banerjee's, or Ishaan Banerjee in particular.

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