Chapter 05- Boyfriend

Start from the beginning

"'Do you have a cell phone? Translation: I want your number but I don't want to make this awkward." He says shyly.


"Of course." I respond giggling.

He shows a full set of teeth and speaks "Well okay then and your total is $4.25."

I reach in my right jacket pocket searching for my phone and money then I reach in for my left. Empty. What no! I start to think about the delicious bacon eggs and cheese.

No where is the money?

I hear the bell on the door ring indicating that someone just walked in but I don't make my way to look at who it is.

No my money, my food, the hot guy. I start to pout.

"What's wrong?" The cute guy asks.

"I left my money and phone at home." I pout.

"Oh that's alright I'll put it on my ta-"

"No need for that I'll pay for you babe." A voice interrupts.

Babe? Who the fu-

I turn around and see Jeremiah smirking.

"Jeremiah what are you doing here and can you stop ca-"

"Caring for you? I'm just doing what a boyfriend does." He interrupts.


"BUT! I know how we talked about how I should give you space and let you be a little more independent, as you can see I can't." He says interrupting me again. "Yeah I'll pay for this one, I don't mind. How much? " He asks the cute bemused guy.

He hesitates and looks back and fourth at me and Jeremiah and then he speaks up.

"It 3 dollars and-"

"Okay keep the change." Jeremiah says handing him 5 dollars, taking the bag and taking my hand in his.

We head out the store and I noticed that it's gotten pretty dark. I look at Jeremiah who is pulling me toward the opposite way that I came from.

"Hey you're going the wrong way." I say trying to pull him the other way.

"It's a shortcut, Now would you stop being so childish and follow me." He explains.

"No!" I yell yanking my hand out of his grip.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I add.

He sighs with frustration. Suddenly I'm thrown over his shoulder and he's holding me with one of his arms while his hand squeezes my ass.


He chuckles putting me down.

"What part of 'don't touch me' don't you understand."

"Everything." He responds.

I sigh turning on my heels heading foward.

"Babe wait up." He shouts yelling behind me.


"Feisty little thing aren't ya?" He says with amusement.

What does he want? Is he stalking me or am I over exaggerating?

What do you mean what does he want? He's with you right now the both of you alone, come on, how stupid can you be. Its called common sense.

"Shut up!" I yell out loud.

"I didn't say anything." He says innocently.

"I wasn't talking to you." I say turning red but my tone still stiff.

"Okay?" He says making a face.

After a long long walk I ask where were going.

"I don't know I'm just following you." He say simply.

"What? Y-you said there was a shortcut, then there was a cute guy and my phone then the money and then boyfriends then you picked me up and I got mad and then we walked, and I'm cold and hungry." I go on rambling.

"Okay okay okay chill your food is still here." He says calming me down lifting up a bag.

I quickly grasp it before he puts it down. I take out the bacon eggs and cheese and hand him the bag. I unwrap the paper and take out half of the sandwich. Taking a huge bite I roll my eyes back in delight and moan.

"This is so good." I say with my mouth full.

I look back and Jeremiah. He's grinning at me.

"What?" I ask still chewing.

"I like a girl who can eat." He replies smirking.

"And your point?" I question.

"Nothing, nothing at all." He responds.

"Ok can we go home now?" I ask

"Sure your place or mine ?" He says grinning.

"Both I'll go to mine and you can go to yours." I say cheesing.

"Okay you can finish eating and I'll take you home."

We start to walk back to the familiar neighborhood. Finally.

"Why are you being so nice?" I ask randomly.

"Oh no you owe me don't get yourself out of that."

"Fine I'll pay you back."

"Oh you definitely will." He grins too himself.

"Okay whatever you say." I tell him.

"Really?" He says hopefully.

"No not in the way you're talking about." I correct.

"Oh." He say pretending to look upset.

"You don't have to pretend ya know." I say grinning

"Oh I know. Babe when will you realize I please women?" He questions smirking.

"I know you do, so PLEASE leave me alone." I say walking a little faster.

"Des you know I please you too." He said getting closer.

I fake a slight laugh.

"Not even, you wish." I say, lying through my teeth.

Jeremiah doesn't answer back so I turn around to see what he's doing. He walks up to me and his face is close to mine.

"Look me in the eyes and say I don't please you." He says seriously.

Though it's too dark to even get a good look, I somehow know his eyes were twinkling at me.

"Well?" He asks.

I don't know what the hell came over me or if I was being possessed by some demon but ..

I kiss him...

Jeremiah (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now