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Hey, guys! I know I promised you guys forty chapters, but I'm honestly so done. I've tortured myself over this book, so I'm done. I'm putting it away. Here is your last chapter and epilogue.


Evie's reminded of how much could actually go wrong. Not that she hasn't, it's just more clear now that they're going to be stuck together for the next several hours. Cade being Cade, has booked a jet — smaller than the last one — but still fairly expensive looking.

She traces a design on the window, watching as her small town disappears from view.

Evie does realize that she gave in way too easy, but the thought of him is still so tempting. It's too late to back out now anyway.

Evie flinches when he brushes her shoulder.

"Sorry." He apologizes. "I know it'll take time. But I'd wait a million years if it meant I got to have you."

She hits him with her elbow. "Sap doesn't look good on you."

"I'm glad you don't like it. That's the cheesiest thing I've said in months." He comments. "I hate it too."

"Here, let me-" Cade offers a hand.

Evie whacks at his arms. "I'm not disabled. Get off of me."

Cade grabs his squirmy and feisty fiancée by the abdomen, placing her in the snow in front of his feet.

She narrows her eyes at him. "I'm gonna hurt you."

"You can't even see your feet, baby. I don't know how you'd do that." He remarks, raising an eyebrow.

She punches him in the shoulder.

Cade waits a second. "Ow." He comments flatly.

Evie pouts at him. "You suck."

"Actually-" He begins.

"I dare you to complete that sentence." She interrupts. "I dare you. Do it. See what happens to your dumbass. I dare you."

"-you do." He grins, and Evie starts a full on assault. It's not very effective. He easily grabs her wrists, stopping them. Cade smushes her wind-nipped cheeks and puffs out her lips. "You're to cute to hurt me, baby."

"I hate you." She claims. "I really do."

"That's very unfortunate. Because I really like you." Cade let's go of her cheeks.

Evie looks down at her very swollen belly and unbuttoned coat, then back up at him. "I am cold and very useless."

Cade chuckles. "It's all a part of my master plan to take over the world." He starts to button up her coat. "See, I take the most beautiful woman on the planet, and I make her completely incapable of doing anything by knocking her up."

"What comes next?" She inquires.

He shrugs, "I hadn't thought that far, in all honestly. I've grown quite attached to her. She's short, blonde, and has the most striking pair of green eyes. She's got this killer ass as well."

"You're a lucky man." She comments.

"Damn straight." Cade kisses her nose. "She's beautiful, confident, a little nerdy." He kisses her lips. "A lot nerdy, actually." He kisses her lips again, grinning against them. "And she's the most adorable little pregnant woman you've ever seen." He kisses her cheek. "And once, she left me for a day. And I just about," he places more kisses on her cute, slightly chubby face, "called her on the hour, every hour. Because I am extremely whipped to this cute little woman."

"She'd be upset if she saw us doing this." Evie replies, playing hard to get and tilting her head so he kisses her cheek again.

"I know, it's already tearing my heart into pieces, you goddamned succubus. You're just so hard to resist." He slides his hands from her back to her hips. "With your coquettish blushes, and the turn of your head. You're trying to make me chase after you."

"I am? I can't run very far, Mister. You're bound to catch me." Evie pauses. "Okay, can we stop this now? You're sweet and all, but I'm hungry as hell and in the mood for some cheese ravioli."

He laughs. "Anything for you, my love."

"Don't, it doesn't fit you." Evie interjects.

"What? My love?" Cade asks.

"Yuh huh. Baby's much better." She remarks.

"Baby." He repeats. She nods. Cade takes her hand and they walk to the car.

She suddenly stops in her tracks, gasping.

"What?" Cade asks, suddenly alarmed. "Is something-"

"Down, puppy." She laughs. "Just pulling your chain."

The weather alert goes off on his phone, and Ebie grabs it from his pocket.

"Severe blizzard warning." She reads, hand on her belly. "Maybe we shouldn't go out." She murmurs, frowning.

"A night in it is, then. We've got some frozen ravioli and alfredo sauce in the pantry." Cade

"And no wine for you." She adds in.

"Is that dream still bothering you?" He asks.

She nods.

Cade grabs her hands, pulling her back inside.

"It's snowing." Cade points out.

Ebie glances over at him, bewildered. She then smacks him upside the head. "Naw dip shitlock." She pauses. Cade snorts, holding in laughter. "What did I say?"

"Not what you meant to. Shitlock. That's funny." He giggles.

"What were we talking about before I walked over here?" She asks. "I have a severe case of pregnant brain today."

"Nothing of interest, baby." He hugs her from behind.

She gasps, looking at the floor.

"What?" He asks.

"My water just broke."


Coming at y'all from the Dominican Republic! It's gorgeous here.

You don't actually get a view of the ocean, but that requires that I stand in the sun which is not gonna happen. I burn like a motherf*cker. Also, I despise the beach. Sand, salt, sun, and water is not a good combo for me. I like rivers, lakes and snow.


Sitting here sipping a Pina Colada with the wind and gorgeous waves is pretty awesome.

Less about bragging, tho, you guys have any Q&A longing?

I kinda do.

Comment and I'll answer all your questions.

InsomniaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang